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Crime & Punishment of Friday, 31 May 2019


E.P Church chapel at Dzodze broken into by thieves

Some suspected thieves allegedly broke into the Evangelical Presbyterian (E.P) Church chapel last Sunday at Dzodze in the Ketu North District and made away with some gadgets belonging to the church.

They took away three interconnected 32 inches flat-screen LG Television sets and a Casio electronic organ.

The suspects however left behind one other TV set and a projector because they could not have access to it neither did they got access to any money of the church.

The Church uses the four TV sets in showing service proceedings at other parts of the expanded chapel.

Reverend Ferguson Kwesi Acquah, resident pastor, who resides in the same parish yard, told the Ghana News Agency that after service on Sunday, May 26 this year, doors to the chapel were put under lock and keys.

He said between 0500 hours to 0600 hours on Monday, the following day, some members arriving for morning prayers, realized three of the four TV sets and the Casio organ were not in their places though they met the doors to the chapel intact.

Rev. Acquah said together with the leadership, they combed further and found one of the sliding windows at the back of the building opened and the burglarproof also broken an indication something was amiss of which they reported the incident to the police.

He said it was clear the suspects used a car jerk to expand and break the iron bars forming the burglarproof to access the chapel.

"It is clear the suspects, after opening the sliding window, forcibly expanded and broke some of the iron bars forming the burglar proof, apparently using a car jerk", he said.

Rev. Acquah said it was obvious the suspects initially attempted getting access into the chapel through a higher level sliding window that was not burglarproof by accessing it through a ladder they later found in the yard.

He said the thieves found the latitude of the upper window too high and dangerous for them to descend into the chapel yard and abandoned that point for the lower level window they eventually used

Rev. Acquah said the security man engaged at the chapel has been sick and absent from work for some time now.

A source close to the Dzodze Police confirmed the report, saying the thieves could have used a car jerk to destroy the burglarproof to gain access.

He said the Police are investigating the incident but no arrests so far.

Meanwhile, the burglarproof window destroyed by the suspects has since been fixed by the church.