You are here: HomeBusiness2017 02 06Article 507234

IMF deal needs ‘tweaking’ after shortfall discovery – Finance Minister

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  • CHE 7 years ago

    If the finance minister is setting up our minds to accept their strategy of borrowing more money as the way forward, then their deception during the campaign period is obviously being manifest.OUR FUTURE UNDER THE NPP IS BEGI ...
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  • Mr Bond 7 years ago

    Why not Germany?Why are we beating around the bush?The Germans are will to come to our aid.What happen to NDC $3 billion for oil deal?This deal need investigation since our oil goes to China and we did not hear nothing about ...
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  • BetterGhAgenda 7 years ago

    Tighten your belts for the next ten months. With all these juicy campaign promises of the NPP government, about 9 billion USD is required to fulfill all of these one-this-one-that promises, pay up their campaign debts and kee ...
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