You are here: HomeBusiness2016 04 27Article 434272

Bad economy forces businesses out

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  • KOO 8 years ago

    Mr Nyaunu will be branded an NPP spokesman very soon because these sorts of findings is not the type of news NDC want the people to know and even hear.Mahama has denied that companies are relocating to neighbouring countries ...
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  • ghananiba 8 years ago

    Yesterday Government communicators were filling the news columns of having created 600,000 jobs.
    It is the same old story: "If it a lamb, say it is an elephant". The truth will come out one day to haunt them - the sad trut ...
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  • bombay 8 years ago

    It will not happen if journalist pick the story up and truly showcase it. Our journalist are also hungry and doing stomach journalism. CNN conducts polls not because government feeds her everytime, but when the need be and al ...
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  • KWAME 8 years ago

    The Government and the NDC will do everything to try to survivethe lies because there is one realization to them; which is that there are very many vulnerable people in our country who are susceptible to deceit. These people ...
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  • bombay 8 years ago

    Good writing. good wording. try and create a blog. Only serious people will read - like me. I finished it. but your target audience is not ppl like me...but the grassroots. they are in the betting center as you said, so they ...
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  • Ashootings 8 years ago

    A government which blindly follows poor economic polcy such as high interest rate has a goal of destroying local businesses and create unemployment. Clearly, this government does not need another four years.

  • George Nutsugah 8 years ago

    This means that John dead goat and his ministers have been telling lies that smart businesses are recruiting more workers and that the economy is robust. God have mercy on Ghana.

  • geo 8 years ago

    Go to takoradi and see if tullow and co are still there. They've shifted to ivory coast

  • zero 8 years ago

    This is better change for a better Ghana, let them go made in ghana is the way forward.

  • gek 8 years ago

    It is very sad that whenever there is an issue to be addressed, while professionals of that particular field are there we see and hear our media bringing politicians who do not any technical idea to use the platform for noise ...
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