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Why Anansi Never Fails! 10 Original Stories for Winning the Learning Game!

James Culver Jr.

$ 19.93 (new)
$ 19.35 (used)

Paperback (152 pages)

Trafford Publishing

Editorial Description

Why Anansi Never Fails! features 10 fun and exciting animal stories to help students overcome obstacles to learning. Issues such as a fear of failure, “I can’tism”, not asking for help, distraction, and others often hinder students from reaching their full learning potential. This book helps kids identify and address issues that hinder them. Along with identifying obstacles and their consequences, each story also offers ideas for students to unlock the treasures learning offers. It helps kids learn how to use their goals, pay attention, ask for help, learn with a team, and many other skills important to learning. With a Master’s degree in Education from the University of Illinois and over 20 years' experience as a teacher and professional storyteller, author James Culver’s personal and professional experiences with students taught him that many learning obstacles students experience come from within. “When students get past ideas and attitudes that get in the way, they can be the great learners they are naturally and overcome obstacles outside of themselves as well,” Culver says. This volume of 10 stories highlights Anansi the Spider and animals from around the world. Students are challenged to answer questions about geography, math and about the animals involved in the stories. “The questions give readers the chance to flex their learning muscles,” says Culver.