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The Two Hearts of Kwasi Boachi

Arthur Japin

$ 10.63 (new)
$ 10.52 (used)

Paperback (342 pages)


Editorial Description

In 1837, two young African princes arrive at the court of Willem I in the Netherlands. Treated as curiosities by white people, their friendship suffers and their paths diverge. Years later, as the 20th century dawns, the elderly Kwasi sits down to write his autobiography.

Reader Reviews

Ashanti Princes Raised in the Netherlands
This is a fiction book based on a true story. Two princes were taken from the Ashanti Kingdom to be given a Dutch education. Things didn't turn out expectedly. The boys grew up in Holland losing their native language Twi, and becoming too Dutch to go home. Prejudice for being black caused the princes to not be accepted or live a life that they were educated for. Tragedy and a lifetime of feeling displaced resulted.