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Paralympics: Team Ghana neglected – Nartey

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  • professional 7 years ago

    This is amazing. You mean to say the 'officials' got the tickets paid for but the athletes didn't??? what kind of logic is that?! For heaven's sake Minister. SORT OUT ALL THESE FEDERATIONS. THEY ARE ALL TAKING THE PISS JU ...
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  • Martin 7 years ago

    Ghanaian athletes seem to complain a lot about money. The paralympic athletes made to it Brasil alright.Does it matter who paid for their tickets. Athletes everywhere, particularly those from developed countries, foot their o ...
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  • listen up 7 years ago

    What you say is very true. The Federations keep asking for money and then they waste it because they don't actually want anyone to do well. If an athlete does well that means he/she becomes a hero and has a platform therefore ...
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  • mr. no man 7 years ago

    Mr. Ghanaian athletes and money!
    Please do you have evidence to what you are saying that 'qualified athletes from developed countries are not paid by their government'?
    Korea for instance pays their gold bronze,and silver ...
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  • Megab 7 years ago

    Eiiiii Ghana now no money is our second National Anthem . We have misplaced priorities and we only to spent for political gains.