General News of Thursday, 30 December 2010

Source: GNA

Voting ends in District Level elections, counting begins

Accra, Dec. 30, GNA - Voting ended in several regions across the country on Thursday in the District Level elections and counting has starte= d at the various polling stations.

Voting was to have been held in all districts in the Western, Brong Ahafo, Upper East and Northern Regions but many electoral areas did not receive their ballot papers and could not therefore vote. The Eastern Region would now vote on Friday, the arrival of the ballot papers permitting.

The postponement even affected the district of President John Evans Atta Mills (Ledzokuku) where voting would now take place on Friday. The elections should have been held throughout the country on December 28, but they have had to be postponed in several regions and districts because ballot papers were not printed early. A senior official of the Electoral Commission said the elections would be completed before the end of the year to ensure that 93the circle of the assemblies does not change".

Mr David Adeenze Kangah, Deputy Chairman for Finance and Administratio= n of the EC told the GNA in Tamale that the Commission would complete elections for all the assemblies and unit committees in conformity with the circle of the assemblies saying, 93we are pushing everything in 2010".

He said the EC could have shifted the elections to January 2011 but noted that this would change the circle of the elections for the assemblies= .. Mr Kanga said if the counting of the ballots stretches into 2011, it would still not defeat the circle of the elections, since the elections wer= e conducted in 2010, and the date it was conducted would be used instead of when it was declared.