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Regional News of Sunday, 7 April 2024

Source: Delanyo Agbe, Contributor

Volta Resistance Movement demands NDC's plan for Aveyime Rice Project restoration

The Aveyime Rice Project stands as a monumental legacy of Jerry John Rawlings, a symbol of hope and economic opportunity for the people of the Volta Region. Yet, as we approach the 2024 election, the project lies dormant, its potential untapped, and its promise unfulfilled.

As members of the Volta Resistance Movement, we are compelled to question the silence of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) on reviving this vital project and their commitment to providing jobs and economic opportunity to the people.

For decades, the Aveyime Rice Project served as a beacon of agricultural innovation and economic empowerment in the Volta Region. Under the visionary leadership of Jerry John Rawlings, the project flourished, creating thousands of jobs, stimulating local economies, and positioning Ghana as a leader in rice production. However, in recent years, the project has faltered, crippled by neglect and mismanagement, leaving communities grappling with unemployment and economic hardship.

As we confront the pressing challenges facing our region, including high unemployment rates and stagnant economic growth, it is imperative that the NDC demonstrate its commitment to revitalizing the Aveyime Rice Project and unlocking its full potential. The project holds the key to creating sustainable jobs, revitalizing rural communities, and driving economic growth across the Volta Region.

Yet, despite its significance, the NDC's silence on reviving the Aveyime Rice Project is deafening. Where is the party's plan to breathe new life into this vital economic engine? Where is the vision and leadership to harness the project's potential for the benefit of the people?

As members of the Volta Resistance Movement, we call on the NDC to prioritize the revival of the Aveyime Rice Project in its campaign for the 2024 election. We demand concrete action and a clear roadmap for restoring the project to its former glory, creating jobs, and empowering communities. The people of the Volta Region deserve nothing less than a bold vision for economic prosperity and opportunity, and it is time for the NDC to deliver on its promises.

In the spirit of Jerry John Rawlings' legacy, let us unite in our call for action and hold our leaders accountable for their commitments to the people. Together, we can revive the Aveyime Rice Project, create jobs, and build a brighter future for all Voltarians.