General News of Tuesday, 5 July 2016


Threats on judges worrying - Catholic Bishops

Ghana Catholic Bishops Ghana Catholic Bishops

The Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference has joined the condemnation fray of two radio discussants who threatened to kill justices of the Supreme Court.

Alistair Nelson and Godwin Ako Gunn were picked up by the Bureau of National Investigations for questioning, following the threats. The Ghana Bar Association, the Media Foundation for West Africa as well as the Government and other prominent individuals, have condemned the threats.

Minister for the Interior, Prosper Bani, issued a statement on Monday assuring the judges and the Electoral Commission of adequate protection in carrying out their duties.

Adding their voice to the condemnation, the Catholic Bishops, in a statement signed by Most Rev Joseph Osei-Bonsu, Bishop of Konongo-Mampong and President, of the Ghana Catholic Bishops’ Conference, said: “We … have received media reports on the threat of attack on members of the Judiciary allegedly made by two panellists during a radio discussion on Accra-based Montie FM with a lot of worry and anxiety, and we wish to join individuals and groups which have already condemned this act. We are of the view that this alleged threat is a very serious matter that should not be taken lightly. Any attack on the Judiciary, the custodians of Law in our country, is an attack on our freedom and security as a nation.”

“We think that as matter of urgency, the Bureau of National Investigations should take action in picking up the two alleged culprits, if it has not done so already, for the necessary investigations and proceedings to begin. We are hopeful that the right course of action will be taken in this and other instances. We are gratified by the assurances of government that it will take steps to ensure that all citizens, including members of the Executive, Legislature and the Judiciary will enjoy personal and institutional protection.

“It is becoming increasingly worrying to us that, on a daily basis, some panellists on radio programmes and callers to these programmes continue to make unguarded comments and contributions instead of discussing issues that will benefit the development of Ghana. All these and more in this period of the run up to the 2016 elections are contributing immensely to the rising political temperature in the country. We encourage all Ghanaians to take steps to bring down the political temperature.

“We pray that in the days leading to the elections later this year, newspaper editors and producers of FM radio programmes will be circumspect in their selection of those who are invited to discuss issues on their various radio programmes, while all Ghanaians, especially those who seek political office in our land should learn to speak words which bring harmony and peace. We continue to urge all Ghanaians to preach peace and unity for without peace and unity, our country cannot move forward in the right direction,” the statement said.