General News of Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Source: GNA

Teachers Allowances

Ho, April 6, GNA - The Ghana National Association of Teachers (GNAT) proposes to negotiate 14 allowances with the Fair Wages and Salaries Commission (FWSC), in efforts to improve the quantum of salaries of teachers.

"We wish to urge the FWSC to expedite action in approving the proposed allowances for teachers on a ticket of urgency." Mr Alexander Mawusi Buadi, Volta Regional GNAT Chairman said at a Press Conference in Ho, on Tuesday, in connection with recent labour unrests among teachers.

"We also urge government not to delay or drag the 2011 salary negotiations, as this is already leading to tension at the labour front", he said.

Mr Buadi said the negotiations on the allowances called for solid support from teachers to achieve a win-win outcome. He explained that the low levels of salaries under the SSSS were phenomena, which cut across all public sector institutions because the base pay and relativities under the Single Spine Salary Structure (SSSS) were low. Mr Buadi explained that allowances, which were in force in the public sector collective agreements before the passage of the FWSC Act 737, became void and had to be re-negotiated. "With this opportunity, the call for total unity and support, in order to achieve something appreciable is paramount", he said. He said the Regional GNAT leadership was in full support of the National leadership in its efforts to negotiate a respectable allowances package for its members. Answering questions, Mr Buadi said the new labour law allows for many labour unions in a workplace but that only created the avenues for employers to divide and manipulate workers to satisfy their own ends.