General News of Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Source: Seidu Dode

Switzerland set to roll out $12m Electricity Sector Support Programme

The Swiss Government and the Government of Ghana have completed procedures for the
implementation of a 12 million US$ Electricity Sector Reform and Extension Programme signed in 2008.
The programme, which is being implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy, will support
Ghana to achieve a high-performing electricity sector through the implementation of structural reforms.

The 12 million US$ grant is Switzerland’s contribution to the implementation of the Ghana Energy
Development and Access Project (GEDAP) which aims to improve operational efficiency of the electricity
distribution system and increase access to electricity.

The Electricity Sector Reform and Extension Programme is made up of three components:

- technical assistance to the Public Utilities Regulatory Commission (PURC);
- support to the electricity distribution sector;
- poverty oriented grid expansion.

When the agreement was signed in 2008, it was decided that the technical scope of the programme will
be defined at a later stage.

The technical assistance programme with the PURC is currently underway: developing capacity of PURC
to better monitor the standards of provision of utility services; set tariffs; and protect interest of
Switzerland’s support to the electricity sector will assist the Electricity Company of Ghana (ECG) and the
Northern Electricity Department of the VRA to conduct a technical assessment of the levels and types of
electricity losses that they are experiencing as well as assist them to improve operational efficiency.
The third component of the Electricity Sector Reform and Extension Programme supports the
governments’ goal of extending electricity to rural Ghana. Currently only 65% of Ghanaians have access
to electricity. The Government aims to increase the access to 85% by the year 2015. Switzerland is
supporting this goal with poverty oriented grid expansion in selected rural communities.
The Embassy of Switzerland in Ghana implements the Swiss Economic Development Assistance to
Ghana granted through the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Switzerland’s
assistance to Ghana concentrates on economic and trade measures in four main domains i.e. sound
macro-economic policies and transparent public finances; financial sector development and
strengthening; trade, competition and investment climate and basic infrastructure regulation and public
utilities in energy. More on Swiss Development Cooperation in Ghana visit: