Health News of Monday, 4 August 2014

Source: GNA

School children benefit from mosquito nets

The School Health (SHEP), under the Ghana Education Service (GES), has distributed two million mosquito treated nets to children and mothers across Ghana.

The SHEP, funded by USAID in collaboration with Networks Ghana, has also distributed 116 full set jerseys to schools in the Upper West Region, which took part in a drama to help eradicate malaria.

The jerseys were presented to Mr Kenneth Yenpariye, Regional Planning Officer, for distribution to the selected schools.

Madam Estella Anku, a representative of the Networks Ghana, who presented the jerseys to the schools, said the project was to educate people on malaria eradication and prevention in the communities.

She said the jerseys, with the inscription; “Sleep Under Treated Mosquito Nets” would help educate many more people to embrace the practice of sleeping under the nets. Madam Anku said the awards were to be given to the various schools in the region that performed songs and drama on malaria from primary two to primary six.

She said the efforts and objectives of the project could only yield positive results if parents and teachers joined in the training of children on malaria prevention and control methods to minimise its spread.

Mr Justine Kpan, a Public Relations officer at GES, called for regular supply of the nets to children and mothers to help reduce the incidence of malaria which, he said, was one of the commonest killer diseases in the communities.

He said the drama was to create awareness on how to prevent malaria as the children were trained to know the dangers through songs, poets and play.