Accra, April 27, GNA - President John Evans Atta Mills on Tuesday received a special message from his Ivorian counterpart Laurent Koudou Gbagbo. The Interim Ivorian Internal Affairs Minister, Desire Tagro led a four-man delegation to deliver the message at the Osu Castle. The content was not disclosed but believed to be centred on moves by the two countries to ensure peaceful co-existence on their boundaries following the discovery of oil on the western shores of Ghana. Last March President Mills received a similar message through the Ivorian Energy Minister, Mr. Kouadio Komoe Augustin.
Earlier this month, President Mills inaugurated the Ghana Boundary Commission to engage neighbouring West African States in thorough negotiations over its maritime and land boundaries. A delegation of Ghanaian experts was also in La Cote d'Ivoire for discussions with the Government over the common boundaries. Mr Tagro told journalists that the visit was a follow up to a meeting with the Ghanaian experts. He said the Ivorian leader also extended an invitation to President Mills for a visit to La Cote d' Ivoire for a more detailed discussion on the boundaries of the two nations. President Mills extended a hearty welcome to the Ivorian delegation, and Ghana's best wishes of peace to the country during the forthcoming general election. 27 April 10