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Religion of Thursday, 24 June 2010

Source: GNA

President Mills mourns with National Chief Imam

Accra, June 24, GNA - The ruling Government of National Democratic Congress (NDC), on Thursday shared the grief, and mourned with Sheikh Osm an Nuhu Sharabutu, National Chief Imam on the death of his younger brother, Alhaji Ibrahim Sharabutu. Alhaji Sharabutu 82, died last Monday, June 14, 2010. President John Evans Atta Mills consoled the National Chief Imam and the Muslim Community on the loss through a government delegation that called on him at his residence at Fadama in Accra.

The delegation led by Alhaji Muhamad Mumuni, Minister of Foreign Affa irs and Regional Integration, included Alhaji Collins Dauda, Minister of Land s and Natural Resources, Mr Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, General Secretary of ND C and Alhaji Baba Sheriff, an Executive Member of NDC. They presented GH¢1,000 to the Council of Elders of the Muslim Community, and GH¢4,000 towards celebration of the final funeral rites. Alhaji Mumuni said the delegation was to sympathize with the bereaved

family, console them and pray for the eternal repose of the departed soul .. He said this was in line with instructions of the Koran. Together with the National Chief Imam, the delegation prayed for the soul of his departed brother. The National Chief Imam said prayers for national peace, for Presiden t Mills and for the Black Stars to win the ultimate in the FIFA World Cup Tournament underway in South Africa.