General News of Friday, 7 May 2010

Source: GNA

Parliament ends special meeting

Accra, May 7, GNA - Parliament on Friday concluded its special sitting with the adoption of loan agreements meant for development projects in the country.

They include the Suppliers Credit Facility Agreement between the government and the China International Water and Electricity Cooperation for an amount of 81,000, finance the National Electrification project in the Upper West region.

Another credit agreement between government and the China EXIM bank for an amount of 102,000,000.00 for the financing of the National Electrification scheme for the Northern regional electrification project was adopted.

Mr. James Klutse Avedzi, Ketu North, Chairman of the Finance Committee's had read the committee's report before the house. Also included is the credit agreement between government and STX Engineering and Construction Ghana Limited for an amount of 1,525,443,468 for the construction of 30,000 units of houses under the security services housing projects.

The internal revenue bill was also read the third time due to the urgency of the bill, as well as the Centre for Urban Transport Bill, 2009 which was also read the third time. Mr. Alowe Leo Kabah, Member for Chiana Paga, in support of the electrification projects appealed to government to consider extending the project also to the Upper East region because most villages there were still without electricity. Though most members were not present in the house today the business of the house was conducted. The Speaker, Mrs Joyce Bamford Addo, said the house was expected to rise sine die and resume on the 26 May 2010 to continue with business. 7 May 10