General News of Sunday, 1 October 2017


Panic at Asesewa government Hospital as power plant breaks down

The only emergency standby generator plant at Asesewa government hospital has broken down The only emergency standby generator plant at Asesewa government hospital has broken down

The only emergency standby generator plant at Asesewa government hospital has broken down for the past two weeks.

The situation has stimulated anxiety among health officials that, activities at the hospital will come to a halt should there be a power outage in the community.

Also apart from losing some essential medicines that requires refrigeration, operations and other emergency cases cannot be attended to.

Speaking to Starr News, the Upper Manya District Director of Ghana Health Service Esther Dua Oyinka said stakeholders have been notified about the situation hence she is hopeful the problem will be given the needed attention.

“We’ve written letters to that effect, we’ve given copies to our Honourable MP that is the Deputy Eastern regional Minister, We’ve given copies to the DCE, We’ve sent copies to our officials at the Regional Level and I am sure the regional Minister will be in the known,” she said.

She added, the situation has created anxiety saying: “We are all putting our fingers crossed that there will be no light off should there be an emergency case at the theater, so that is our prayer now ,the generator broke down two weeks now.”

The Assesewa government hospital is the only government hospital in the district .With only two Medical Doctors, the facility serves about 100,000 residents in the district making it very crucial to healthcare delivery in the District.

Meanwhile, the District Assembly has stepped up efforts to help fix the problem.