General News of Thursday, 8 March 2012

Source: --

Our Women Deserve A Better Place In Society -NUGS

[Issued by the National Union of Ghana Students - NUGS]

“Every time we liberate a woman, we liberate a man.” -- Margaret Mead “The fastest way to change society is to mobilize the women of the world." -- Charles Malik

As today marks the 101st International Women’s Day, a global day for celebrating the economic, political and social achievements of women past, present and future; NUGS wishes all Ghanaian Women well and say kudos to them for coming this far amid the numerous challenges that face the women in their quest to overcome poverty, hunger and to bridge the gap that exists between men and women.

International Women’s Day recognizes and celebrates the role of women in our world and provides an especially good opportunity to express our commitment to promote women in all areas of life. NUGS finds the theme for this year’s celebration, “Empowering Women, End Hunger, End Poverty” very apt. It goes without saying that women of this country have come very far, the indicators today are very far from what it was some years back. The ever rising female enrollment especially at the tertiary is an emphatic achievement we ought to celebrate as a country.

The National Union of Ghana Students (NUGS) believes that the way to go for this country is to direct our policy towards elevating women to play a greater role in decision making and governance. Despite forming more than 51 percent of Ghana’s population, women’s representation in the political decision-making structures of the country is woeful. Apart from the Representation of the People’s (Women Members) Bill which was passed into an Act in 1960 to show appreciation to women for their contribution to the independence struggle, there has not been any major intervention on their behalf politically. The failure of women to have reached positions of leadership has been due in large part to failure of government and civil society to champion the cause of women holistically.

President Mills made a campaign promise to allot 40% representation to women in his government. The President has failed the women of Ghana in this regard. The lip service we pay to the female electorates to get their political support is largely unfair, considering the invaluable role they play in shaping society.

The role of government should be to foster, protect and promote the possession of equality and employ affirmative action as a tool for social engineering to empower women, and this should be taken on board by political parties to include in their agendas so as to increase the number of women in politics.

Let us recognize and respect the role of women in society; because all of us, no matter how big or how small, whether male or female -- we all owe our lives to a woman. While Mother's Day may not be till May, let's celebrate all Ghanaian Women this day with respect and dignity.

Finally, to the Women of Ghana, especially our female students; feel special, unique and on top of the world - it’s your day!

Signed. Peter Kwasi Kodjie Courage Kwasi Nobi (President-NUGS) (Gen. Secretary-NUGS) (0242879028) (0206497320)
