Crime & Punishment of Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Source: Daily Heritage

No bail for you - Judge tells alleged police armed robbers

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An Accra Magistrate Court judge, His Worship Mr. Stephen Owusu has advised the gang of three accused of playing a role in the Donkorkrom robbery incident in the Eastern Region never to apply to his court for bail, because “I will not grant you bail”.

The three accused persons, Corporal Solomon Elvis Mensah, Corporal Daniel Kissi Abrokwa and Hafisu Mohammed, alias Danjuma were arrested after the foiled robbery attack at Maame Krobo at Afram Plains in which the driver of a GCB Bank Bullion van was murdered. T

hough three counts of charges were read to them in open court to wit conspiracy to commit murder, attempted robbery and murder, their plea were not taken.

This was after prosecution led by DSP Abraham Annor had told the court that investigations were not yet concluded.

According to the judge, "hitherto, the offense for which you were brought here was non-bailable because it is a first degree felony case."

Citing a recent Supreme Court ruling on the Attorney General vs Martin Kpebu, the judge clarified that the ruling gives the power to the trial judge and directed that if they want bail they should go to the high court.

Committal proceedings

Mr. Owusu added that his court would only consider the committal proceedings to examine the summary of evidence and bill of indictment to reach an agreement that the accused persons have a case to answer before committing them for trial.

The three, who were not represented by counsel, were told by the judge that they are entitled to counsel.

The case has been adjourned to September 6, for investigations to be concluded.