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Politics of Friday, 29 September 2017


NPP petitioned to reinstate suspended General Secretary

Suspended General Secretary, Kwabena Agyepong Suspended General Secretary, Kwabena Agyepong

The National Executive Council of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) has been petitioned to reinstate suspended General Secretary, Kwabena Agyepong.

Brong Ahafo Regional Youth Organizer of the party, Kwame Baffoe also known as Abronye DC who revealed this on Oman FM’s Boiling Point chided the party executives for not recognising the suspended general secretary and other members who were instrumental in the party’s 2016 electoral fortune.

He said, “Kwabena Agyepong will be back, I have written a petition with some others for Kwabena Agyepong to be recalled. He has shown discipline and its time the suspension is revoked. Kumasi residents should get ready.”

Abronye DC expressed disappointment at the party’s big shots for side-lining most party members who are still unemployed and struggling to make ends meet, adding that the suspension of the general secretary and others have caused a break on the party’s structure.

Kwabena Agyepong alongside the Vice National President, Sammy Crabbe were suspended indefinitely in 2015.

The suspension of the two came shortly after the suspension of Paul Afoko, who was National Chairman.

They were suspended for “misconduct” which included a disregard for party structures.”