NDC-USA Annual Meets On Saturday, July 17th, In Columbus, Ohio
On Saturday, July 17th, 2010 executives, members and sympathizers from NDC branches across the continent of United States will meet in Columbus, Ohio for an Annual Conference. The venue of the event is the Clarion Hotel in Columbus, Ohio. The event under the theme; Elections 2012, An NDC Victory Beckons, will start at 9.00am.
The Ohio Branch of the NDC-USA will be inaugurated during the conference; other activities to be held as part of the conference include Reports from Executives of the organization and discussions on the organization’s future contributions towards the success of the National Democratic Congress of Ghana, and the government of Ghana. All are cordially invited. For further information please visit the Annual Conference website at www.ndcusaannualconference2010.com.
Osborne K. Sam, NDC-USA