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Regional News of Monday, 31 October 2022

Source: Tbprinz

Ministry of Education finally issues good news for schools

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The public authority has said it has delivered assets to the Public Food Support Stock Organization and the Senior High and TVET Schools the nation over for taking care of. In a proclamation, the public authority said GH¢126,000,000 had been delivered to the Public Food Support Stock Organization for durable food things. GH¢72,106,603 was delivered to the Senior High and TVET Schools the nation over to cover transient food things and repeating uses. The assertion said the cash was delivered throughout recent weeks. "General society is subsequently guaranteed of the Service's obligation to guaranteeing the opportune stockpile of satisfactory and quality food things to the entire second cycle organizations," the assertion noted. "The Service further emphasizes Its commitment to guaranteeing smooth and successful dispersion of different assets in its mission to improve and support quality training in Ghana." The Meeting of Heads of Helped Optional Schools had been griping about the postpones in delivering the assets for taking care of. It additionally cautioned that numerous food providers had taken steps to suspend supplies, while others had kept the food supplies because of the non-instalment of their monies. Some headteachers had even taken steps to shut down their schools as a result of these taking care of difficulties.