General News of Tuesday, 26 December 2017


Mass opposition hits Volta Region split

A group has vowed to resist government's attempt to split the Volta Region A group has vowed to resist government's attempt to split the Volta Region

A group calling itself Concerned Volta Youth have rejected moves by the Government to split the Volta region into two.

According to the group, the attempts by the Nana Addo led administration is politically motivated to weaken the stronghold of the opposition National Democratic Congress.

They have however vowed to resist the move by the government.

Generally, chiefs in the northern part of the Volta Region are pushing for the split, but those in the southern part disagree.

Meanwhile, MPs from the Volta region are calling for calm among residents.

A commission set up by President Akufo-Addo to shepherd the creation of the new regions is currently studying petitions for and against the move.