Diaspora Pics of Friday, 19 November 2010

Source: www.3gmediaonline.com

Mama Ghanacan's Hot 50th Birthday Bash in Montreal, Canada

Saturday, October 20th, 2010 was a memorable day for Mrs Joana Owusu
Abrokwa-Piameng aka Mama Ghanacan as she celebrated her 50th Birthday Bash
in Montreal, Canada.

3G was recently in Montreal to join family and friends of Mrs. Juliana Owusu
Abrokwa-Piameng (Mama Ghanacan) and dear husband; Mr. Sani Piameng at hall
of Our Lady of Hungary Parish, 90, Rue Guizot Ouest, Montreal, QC

The MC was Nana Tabi-Amponsah and Co-MC, Nana Efia-Attaa. The
Chairpersons for the occasion were; Mr. & Mrs. Richard Donkor (Richcom
Cosmetics), Vice chairman: Mr & Mrs. John Kippo

There was s brief performance by dancers from Zaire. Presentation of gifts
were made by; the family and in-laws of Mr. & Mrs Piameng, Ghanaian
Methodist Church, Montreal, QC and Obaapa dancers. Decor
was courtesy of Nana Yaa.

The Piameng Family would like to thank the organizing committee for their
immense support.

Click here for the slideshow of the entire event;

3G and its network of affiliates worldwide congratulate Mrs Piameng on this
milestone. We wish you Long Life and Good Health!! LOVE LIVE MAMA

Source - www.3gmediaonline.com