General News of Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Source: pfm

John And John: No Bad Blood Between Us

The two former Presidents, Jerry John Rawlings and John A. Kufuor have denied that there is any bad blood between them. They blamed the media for creating this impression - “For your information we’re best of friends,” in answer to media men when asked how the relationship between them is faring.

Speaking on a sister radio station, the two praised the media for their contribution to national development, but in the same vein, critical of them for being a stumbling block between them. According to them, the media thrives on controversial stories, besides their knack for misquoting whatever each of them says about the other.

The two were speaking in reaction to President Barack Obama’s visit to Ghana and the fact that both former Presidents sat together with him (Obama) at the breakfast table. The two statesmen advised the media to concentrate on reporting the truth and issues that promote peace and development in the country and avoid the kinds of report that suggest there is perceived enmity between them.