General News of Saturday, 14 March 2009

Source: WPD, USA

International NGOs Linking Ghana Schools Globally

As global education prepares young people to understand and interact within a culturally diverse and globally interconnected world, and new technologies placing distant peoples only clicks away, students in Ghana, West Africa are now enjoying live interactive educational program via video conference with other students around the world.

This important and exciting program is made possible by the partnership of Global Nomads Group, an international NGO that creates interactive educational programs for students about global issues, and World Partners for Development, also an international NGO that uses both traditional and modern practices of communication to support and step up efforts at every level to educate, inform and develop understanding about   issues affecting humanity.

On January 20, this year, some Ghana schools participated in the most historic moment of our times as the 44th President, Barack Obama, the nation’s first African-American President, sworn into office. The GNG team was on the ground live from Washington DC, and brought the energy from the streets to the classrooms in Ghana via videoconference. For the first half of the session, students dialogued with one another and expressed the sentiments of their communities about President Obama’s inauguration with their peers.

In the months of November and December 2008, students from around the U.S. joined with their Ghanaian peers exchanged dialogue around their respective elections via the power of videoconference at the GIMPA Distance Learning Center in Accra. Some schools which has benefited from the program are, Seventh Day Theocracy Senior High, Amasaman Junior High, Achimota School, Accra Girls, Pokuase Junior High, PreSec, Amasaman Senior High, and Victoria School, but the program is being extended to all schools across Ghana and other African countries.. This global program has also opened many doors to Ghana Schools in school library projects with other overseas high schools, which will include the developing of an educational partnership with teachers and students to share curriculum and have students learn in an exciting new way, gaining new understanding and perspective.

Up and coming programs with GNG include, Face to Faith: which is a Youth Dialogue on Religion and Culture. The 2009 Open Architecture Challenge, where students partner with architects in their communities to design better, greener classrooms for schools.

As education has the power to combat poverty, the Founder/International Program Director of World Partners for Development, Philip Darko and his group always stretch their partnership net so widely to promote educational programs to help humanity. WPD has also played a vital role with a U.S. team in the Discovery Channel Global Education Program in Ghana.

World Partners for Development is a dedicated international nonprofit organization working in partnership with other organizations, businesses, volunteers, and individuals worldwide to integrate their commitment to long lasting sustainable human development programs. Learn more about at or Email:, and you will be glad you did.