General News of Wednesday, 29 January 2020


Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic partners Class FM's 'My Community, My Voice'

Class91.3FM's Benjamin Akakpo, Frank Atuahene and Robert Israel with Greenfield CEO Dr Okoh (R) Class91.3FM's Benjamin Akakpo, Frank Atuahene and Robert Israel with Greenfield CEO Dr Okoh (R)

Accra-based Class 91.3FM on 15 January 2020 signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Ghana’s leading herbal medicine provider Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic over the station’s flagship community engagement series dubbed ‘My Community, My Voice’.

The MoU will see Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic become the lead sponsor of the ever-growing community radio engagement series for the next two years.

Class91.3FM, as part of its efforts to decentralise public radio discourse, instituted the community engagement programme on the Executive Breakfast Show hosted by Benjamin Akakpo in 2019 to afford various communities an opportunity to discuss their unique challenges in a bid to elicit action and results from officialdom.

‘My Community, My Voice’ provides a special platform for residents in Accra’s major residential and business enclaves to place their own experiences and developmental concerns at the heart of national discussions.

At a ceremony in Accra to officially announce the partnership, the CEO of Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic, Dr Bright S. Okoh commended the Class Media Group, operators of Class 91.3FM and several others business units across the country, for the innovation and expressed delight at the opportunity to partner with such an impactful project.

Commenting on the myriad social problems that the project could help in addressing, Dr Okoh bemoaned the poor health conditions of Ghanaians and expressed delight at the opportunity for Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic to provide support to the locals through the ‘My Community, My Voice’ platform.

As a herbal medicine provider, Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic is widely acclaimed, both locally and internationally, having received numerous awards including being adjudged the World's Best Herbal Medicine provider and the World's Best Herbal Clinic at the World Changers Awards and Summit 2018 in Dubai.

The producers of Agyenkwa Garlic Capsules are also experts at bone-setting and dealing with stroke, infertility, and STDs; and equally provide quality services in orthopaedic scanning, dietary counselling, and physiotherapy among others.

The partnership will see Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic on hand to provide services in the various communities to be visited.

‘My Community, My Voice’ will travel to different communities twice a month.

The first of the upcoming series is scheduled to take place at Agbogbloshie – the most toxic enclave in the world – which is home to one of Ghana's largest slum communities where residents and businesses appear to be very vulnerable to the shocks of urban development.

The Thursday, 29 January 2020 outdoor programme, the first for the year 2020, will get the community talking on sanitation, electronic waste and pollution, political violence, education, security and many more at the GPRTU Lorry Park from 5:50 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Expressing his excitement about Class91.3FM’s partnership with Greenfield Scientific Herbal Clinic, Executive Breakfast Show host Benjamin Akakpo, who interviewed Dr Okoh at the MoU signing ceremony, said: “It’s great to partner you on this project and we look forward to the very best”.