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Politics of Sunday, 9 October 2022

Source: Rockson Adofo

Ghana judiciary are partly the cause of the abundance of lawlessness in the country and its underdevelopment

Law Law

Second, to the major problem of non-enforcement of laws in Ghana, the origin of all problems Ghana is beset with, is the Ghana judiciary. One may ask how and why the judiciary is partly the cause of the crimes and lawlessness militating against the advancement of Ghana. The judiciary as the 3rd arm of government in any democratic country is fundamentally charged with interpreting the laws for their enforcement to bring about peace, security, and respect for individuals’ human rights and the protection of their properties. What becomes of the above-stated objectives and how to obtain them if the judiciary failed to perform its functions as it is required of them? It is the judiciary, commonly known as the ensemble of judges, lawyers, and courts, thus, the justice system, that is responsible for enforcing obedience to the law. When people are arraigned for whatever reason, it is the duty of the judge to ensure that a fair trial is administered and subsequently pronounce judgment based on the absolute indisputability of the credibility, acceptability, and permissibility of the evidence and facts adduced, as in criminal cases, or the "preponderance of the evidence" as in civil cases. The above notwithstanding, the overall public perception of the Ghana judiciary is that they are excessively corrupt to be seen or valued as men and women of integrity. They are alleged to often sell justice to the highest bidder, a practice in contravention of their legal ethics. For the fact of oftentimes deciding cases in favor of the obvious, or would-be, the guilty party, based on how far their palms have been greased with wads of cedis or US dollars, by the highest bidder, there is no way that Ghana will ever know the desired level of peace to capably achieve security and protection for all citizens against criminals. Those who have the means to pay or influence the judges will continue with their entrenchment in their acts of lawlessness without any shred of fear of punishment in them against arrest. They are rather emboldened to commit their crimes with impunity, if the judges would always remain unfair in their declarations of verdicts in favour of the highest bidder, thus, those able to bribe them. How can cases last decades or several years in court without completion of the hearing, let alone, the pronouncement of judgment on them? The judges in probable connivance or collusion with both the defendant and complainant’s lawyers, for reasons only best known to them, keep postponing the hearing of cases. How can a will case that I am aware of, last about twenty years in court and be still pending? Is the duration taken, alone, without mentioning the many different judges that have sat on the case, not enough to accuse the judiciary of corruption, and incompetence and thereby contributing to retarding the progress of Ghana? The number of effective man-hours lost by both the complainants and the defendants and their witnesses, coupled with the expenses so uselessly incurred, could have otherwise been used profitably towards the progress of Ghana. Look at Dr. Opuni’s case. It has been trailing in court for years without a conclusion anywhere in sight. The Ghana justice system is quick to successfully prosecute poor persons stealing fowl, goats, and sheep or farm produce like one or two big bunches of plantain. Nonetheless, it is slow to prosecute alleged big criminals like NDC Chairman Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, and Dr. Opuni. Until the Ghana judiciary introduces timeframes for cases to expedite trials and avoid unnecessary postponements of cases for all obvious stupid and corrupt reasons, they can be held responsible for, and accused of, helping with the intensification of criminal activities in Ghana. Wait for more disclosures on the problems holding Ghana down, only to be finally re-colonized by the heartless Chinese flocking to Ghana like vermin.