Religion of Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Source: kwaku ba

Faith Versus Science: The True Geological History of The Earth

The Judeo-Christian religious traditions posit a self-engendering creator being
named Yahweh created the entire universe in six days, as part of a flurry of
miracles. The biblical text posits sixty nine generations from the Adam to Jesus of
Nazareth. From this we can infer that from Adam to Jesus involved approximately
6,900 years. Adding the time from Jesus to the present day we reach a figure of
approximately 8,900 years as the age of the earth. But is this correct? Can this
estimate be supported by the geological evidence of the earth? This article will
review the relevant geological evidence found so far.

Since the advent of the modern scientific era over 300 years ago the geologic time
scale of the earth has been meticulously put together from research in diverse areas
of specialty. The prime evidence for the geologic time scale has been obtained from
stratigraphy which involves the formation of layering of rocks, how it is achieved
and how long it takes. This evidence has been confirmed by radiometric dating.
Geologists have used specific events inferred by these phenomena to divide the
geological time scale into epochs, where an epoch marks a specific set of
circumstances or defining events in the earth?s history. A group of successive and
interrelated epochs is called a period, and a group of periods is called and era. A
group of consecutive eras is called an eon. Based on these pieces of evidence, the
state of knowledge of the timeline of the earth?s history is as follows.

The Hadeaon Eon, 4570 million years ago until 3850 million years ago (MYA): This era
marks the time right after the birth of our sun, the subsequent formation of the
other objects in our solar system, and the formation of the earth itself. The moon
was formed later in this era after an impact of a planetoid object with the still
hot molten earth, causing the earth to spew out some molten material that condensed
to form the moon. That is why the earth and the moon have the same basic chemical
composition. The oldest known mineral on earth Zircon has been dated at 4406 MYA.
The first lifeforms and self replicating RNA molecules have been connected to this
era at 4000 MYA. However at this time the earth was still under the Late Heavy
Bombardment of left over material and objects from the formation of our solar
system. For the most of this eon earth was in molten form, then at some point cooled
and solidified enabling other important events to occur. It must be noted however
that there is little geological evidence in our earth of the Hadeon eon, and many of
the conclusions regarding this time are disputed or still under investigation.

The Archean Eon, 3800 MYA to 2500 MYA: The first simple single cell organisms
appear. This includes the first bacteria that can produce and process oxygen. A
large number of fossils have been found in Canada and Antarctica that prove this

Paleoprotorezoic Era, 2500 MYA to 1600 MYA: During this era the simple life forms
have evolved into complex single celled organisms. The atmosphere has higher levels
of oxygen than before. Most of the evidence for this has been found in Australia.
The rocks dated back to this era according to the radiometric dating method and the
fossils were found in them. Also chemical tests inferred the higher oxygen content
in the atmosphere at the time.

Mesoprotorezoic Era, 1600 MYA to 1200 MYA: The first multi-cellular organisms appear
during this era. This means the first multi-cellular organisms evolved over
approximately 2.2 billion years from single-celled ancestors that came from the
Archean eon. The fossil evidence has been found in North America and Australia.

Neoprotorezoic Era, 1200 MYA to 630 MYA: The fossil evidence suggests the first
multi-celled eukaryotes evolved during this era. Eukaryotes are organisms whose
cells have complex internal structures separated by membranes. The most defining
such structure of eukaryotes is the nucleus. Other examples of membrane-bound
structures (called organelles) include mitochondria, golgi bodies, and chloroplasts.
At around 630 MYA worm-like animals are found as well as jellyfish type organisms.

Cambrian Period, 630 MYA to 496 MYA: Carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were
about 20 times the current level. The fossil record shows an explosion of life forms
in both quantity and diversity. This event has been called the Cambrian explosion.
Organisms evolving in this era include fungi, brachiopods (invertebrate shelled
creatures), chordates (vertebrate species and closely related invertebrates),
trilobytes (flat shelled creatures), anomalocharids (carnivorous invertebrates with
articulated shells) and many worm like species. Evidence for these have been found
all over the world from Africa to China, from North Pole to Antarctica.

It must be noted that all the species mentioned so far lived exclusively in the
water. So up until the end of the Cambrian there were no plants on land, no trees,
etc. All life lived exclusively in the water. The land as we know it was completely
bare of any life forms, not even a single blade of grass or even a bacteria living
in the ground, none.

Ordovician Period, 496 MYA to 445 MYA: The first green plants and fungi on land
evolved during this period. The invertebrates (in the water) diversify into many new
types. Other organisms seen for the first time include echinoderms (example is
starfish). The end of this era was marked by an ice age and cooling of temperatures

Silurian Period, 445 MYA to 418 MYA: During this time period we see the first
vascular plants, the ancestors of millipedes and centipedes, all evolving on land.
In the water we see the first mollusks, the first jawed fishes, as well as many
species of armoured jawless fishes.

Devonian Period, 418 MYA to 374 MYA: The moss and ferns appear. The first seed
bearing plants, and the first trees evolve during this period. The first insects
(wingless) appear. The first squid-like creatures appear. A significant increase in
the diversity of jawed fishes. The ancestor of all sharks evolves during this
period. The first amphibians appear but they live exclusively in the water.

Carboniferous/ Mississippian Period, 347 MYA to 326 MYA: Large primitive trees,
first land vertebrates, and amphibious sea-scorpions appear. Lobe-finned fishes
called rhizodonts are the dominant fresh-water predators. In the oceans, early
sharks become abundant and more diverse, echinoderms are abundant.

Carboniferous/ Pennsylvanian Period, 326 MYA to 303 MYA: In this period we see the
evolution of the first winged insects, and the first reptiles. Amphibians remain
abundant and increasingly diverse. Atmospheric oxygen is at the highest level ever.
The first forests develop in this period.

Permian Period, 303 MYA to 251 MYA: Reptiles and amphibians diversify and dominate
the earth. Beetles and flies evolve. At around 251 MYA a yet to be determined event
occurs that results in almost 95% of all species to become extinct. This has been
named the Triassic-Permian mass extinction event. The cause is still being
investigated by researchers. The evidence for this event was found in Russia,
Canada, and northern Mexico. The survivors of this event now form the common
ancestors of the new species to be seen the next period.

Triassic Period, 251 MYA to 203 MYA: Reptiles are now the dominant species on the
earth. The first dinosaurs evolve and become dominant on land. In the oceans
Ichthyosaurs, a giant marine reptile that resembles a dolphin evolve and become
dominant. In the air flying lizards called Pterosaurs become dominant. One group of
reptile called Cynodonts become smaller and evolve into the some of the first
mammals. One of the first mammals is called Thrinaxodon, its remains have been found
in South Africa. Another example is Exaeretodon, skeletons found in India and
Brazil. The ancestor of the crocodilians appears in this period. Insects continue to
diversify and increase their numbers and range.

Jurassic Period, 203 MYA to 150 MYA: Many types of dinosaurs, such as sauropods,
carnosaurs, and stegosaurs, evolve and dominate the landscape. Mammals are common
but small. The first birds evolve from a feathered dinosaur named Archaeopteryx .
Modern lizards also evolve from a reptilian- dinosaur common ancestor. Atmospheric
carbon dioxide levels are 4?5 times the present day levels.

Cretaceous Period, 150 MYA to 65 MYA: The first flowering plants evolve, and with
them many types of new insects. New types of dinosaurs such as Tyrannosaurus Rex and
horned dinosaurs evolve on land. Modern sharks and modern crocodiles appear. The
ancestors of marsupials (example is Kangaroo) appear for the first time. The first
mammals with placenta evolve at this time. Evidence for all these organisms from
this period has been found all over the world, thousands upon thousands of
intermediate and transitionary species of all kinds can be seen at any natural
history museum in the world. Sadly we do not have one yet in Ghana but we shall get
there. Carbon dioxide levels during the cretaceous period are now at modern day
levels. At 65 MYA a second major mass extinction event occurs resulting in the
complete elimination of the dinosaurs. Some small mammalian species survive. This
new order alters the chain of evolution in favor of the mammals to now become the
dominant group on the land.

Paleocene Epoch, 65 MYA to 58 MYA: Tropical climate dominates the earth. With the
dinosaurs no more larger mammals are now able to evolve. Bears and hippopotamus
evolve during this period.

Eocene Epoch, 58 MYA to 37 MYA: Moderate cooling climate dominates the earth. We see
the rise of many of the modern mammal families we are used to today. For example the
whale evolves from an extinct four-legged wolf-like land mammal called Pakicetus.
The remains have been found in India and Pakistan. The first grasses evolve on

Oligocene Epoch, 37 MYA to 28 MYA: This epoch is marked by warm and cooling climate.
We see a rapid evolution and diversification of animals especially mammals. There is
also a major evolution and dispersal of modern types of flowering plants.

Miocene Epoch, 28 MYA to 7 MYA: Modern mammals and birds become recognizable. Horses
and mastodons (mammoth) diversify. Grasses become ubiquitous on the planet. The
first ape species called Sahelanthropus tchadensis evolves in Africa. The remains of
this creature were found in near Lake Chad in 2003. Forests are now widespread and
absorb massive amounts of carbon dioxide, gradually lowering the level of
atmospheric carbon dioxide to current levels.

Pliocene Epoch, 7 MYA to 3 MYA: A group of pre-human ape-like creatures known
collectively as the Australopithecines flourish in southern and eastern Africa.
Many of the existing species of mammals known today are fully formed. Towards the
end of this epoch the human ancestor Homo habilis appears in Ethiopia and Kenya,
evolving from an Australopithecine ancestor named Australopithicus Afarensis. A
skeleton of this creature, nicknamed Lucy, was found in 1972 by a team of Ethiopian
and American paleontologists led by Dr Tim White of Harvard in the Afar region of
southern Ethiopia, hence the name Afarensis.

Pleistocene Epoch, 3 MYA to 126,00 years ago: Flourishing and then extinction of
many large mammals The first human species and direct ancestor of all modern
humans, Homo Erectus evolves in Africa and migrates to colonize the whole world.
Evolution of anatomically modern humans at around 100,000 years ago around present
day Namibia. Some migrate northwards into Europe and then Asia displacing other
existing human species such as Neanderthals and Homo Erectus and causing their
extinction. Later in this epoch we have the dawn of human stone-age cultures, with
increasing technical complexity. 75,000 years before present Lake Toba supervolcano
erupts, causing a volcanic winter that pushes humanity to the brink of extinction.
But Homo Sapiens survives to become the last surviving hominid species and dominates
the world.

Holocene Epoch, 100,000 years ago to present: The epoch marks the rise of human
civilization. The Sahara forms from wooded savannah. Humans invent agriculture,
enabling them to build cities. Cultures continue to grow in complexity and technical
advancement giving rise to many pre-historic cultures throughout the world,
eventually leading societies such as Ancient Egypt, the Roman Empire and then to the
present day. Atmospheric carbon dioxide levels begin rising likely from
anthropogenic sources, such as the Industrial Revolution, possibly causing global
warming and/or climate change

So at this juncture, after spending time familiarizing with the proven, known
evidence we can now authoritatively address many of the questions posited by the
religions of the world, and other popular claims.

1. Is the six day creation account of the Hebrew Scriptures accurate and defendable?
Absolutely not. The earth is at least 4.5 billion years old, and humans evolved
recently at around 100,000 years ago.
2. Is the only explanation for our current physical reality a creative metaphysical
agency some call god? No, not at all. As we have learned today natural processes
alone can and have shaped our world, no gods are necessary.
3. Were Adam and Eve the first humans? Absolutely not. If they were humans would
have been around for 7,000 to 10,000 years total. But humans have been around for at
least 100,000 years and before that several pre-human species evolved over several
million years.
4. Were Adam and Eve the common ancestor of all humans? Absolutely not. The first
humans were black Africans from the area today called Namibia. Their direct
descendants are still living to this day, in the Kalahari Desert. They are the San
and Khoisan tribes of southwest Africa. Today in the modern media we call them the
Bushmen. This theory was proved in 2004 by Dr Spencer Haywood or Cornel University
who traveled the world and tested over 10,000 humans and analyzed their DNA. All of
the DNA from all the nationalities studied pointed to a common Khoisan ancestor, not
even one exception. In May 2010 it was announced that Dr Svaante Paabo of the Max
Planck Institute in Germany who was doing a totally separate research reached the
exact same conclusion after a five year investigation.
5. Should the bible be considered the inerrant spoken word of an omnipotent creator
being? Absolutely not. The bible documents the traditions, folklore and some history
of the ancestors of the Hebrews. It was written in the pre-scientific era and does
not have any evidence to back up its claims on any scientific matter.
6. Was the earth specially made for humans? Absolutely not. We are one of several
million species living today. Several other millions of species have come and gone
extinct throughout the course of the earth?s history. We are the last survivors of a
family of mammals called hominids that included several other human-like creatures,
and we are still evolving to this day.
7. Should we take seriously the claims of the world?s religions? For example heaven
and hell, or 72 virgins reward for martyrdom? Absolutely not. The correct thing to
do is ask them for evidence. If they provide it we accept the claim, if they don?t
we reject it and continue educating ourselves. Believing claims on faith is not a
virtue, it is a fear tactic used by religions to bring people in line. Faith means
believing without understanding and making no effort to think for ourselves, to
question or investigate. Faith based belief should be discouraged, abandoned and
possibly abolished.

kwaku ba
?September 2010