Justin Kone Katinan, a key ally of former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo, on Friday appeared before the Human Rights Court. This follows a writ of habeas corpus order filed by the ex-Ivorian Cabinet Minister’s counsel, Mr. Patrick Sorgbodjor, asking the Bureau of National Investigations (BNI) to produce him in court to justify his detention.
When the case was called, the court, presided over by Mr. Kofi Essel Mensah, indicated that the state led by Ms. Merley Wood, a Chief State Attorney, had filed affidavit in opposition in the morning. According to the court, due to the bulky nature of documents before the court, it had not been able to read all the documents before sitting.
Meanwhile, Mr. Sorgbordzor had also indicated that he had filed a supplementary affidavit in respect of the matter. The court therefore adjourned the matter to September 5. Accused was however whisked away by security personnel after the hearing
Justin Kone Katinan, was arrested over the weekend by security personnel and kept in detention.
Following his detention in Ghana, Katinan’s lawyer secured a habeas corpus order demanding that the BNI produced the ex-Ivorian Cabinet Minister in court and to justify his arrest and explain whether his detention was legal.
Government in a brief information indicated that President John Mahama was seeking advice from the Attorney General on a request for his extradition to face prosecution for war crimes committed during Ivory Coast’s recent post-election violence.