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Regional News of Friday, 7 May 2010

Source: GNA

Culvert on Fosu to be repaired before the celebration of Fetu Afahye

Cape Coast, May 7, GNA-The Central Regional Minister, Mrs. Ama Benyiwa-Doe, on Friday called on all citizens and residents of Cape Coast to collectively contribute their quota to make the celebration of this year's Fetu Afahye Festival special. The Minister made the call when she launched the "Oguaa Fetu Afahye" Festival at Cape Coast and noted that the onus rests on the people from the town and those residing outside to join hands and work in concert to develop the area.

The Festival will be celebrated on the theme: "nkabom ma mpuntu", meaning unity enhances development. She pointed out that the town cannot afford to miss the "wind of change" currently blowing the world over adding, the change that she has recently seen in the area should be sustained. There was spontaneous applause at the well attended function, when the Mayor of Cape Coast took his turn and Mr. Anthony Egyir Aikins on Friday assured Cape Coasters that the damaged culvert on the Fosu Lagoon which links the town to OLA and University will be repaired before the grand celebration of this year's Fetu Afahye in September.

The winds of the culvert caved in last year rendering the road impassable and causing commuters along the route a lot of inconveniences but the Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly had insisted that a proper bridge be built over the Lagoon once and for all to save cost. Mr. Aikins said the rehabilitation work is expected to start within the next two weeks and stressed that the Assembly was still in contact with some investors who have expressed interest in developing the whole of the Fosu Lagoon area and construct a bridge over it. He re-echoed calls to people from the area to unite and assist in the developmental agenda of the area and region at large by among others, ensuring a clean environment at all times to help boost tourism in the area. Nana Kow Ackon V, chairman of the Afahye planning Committee, also urged the people of Cape Coast to come together contribute towards the successful planning and celebration of the Festival.

The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Coast, Professor Naana Opoku-Agyemang, who chaired the function, appealed to chiefs in the country to educate the youth on the culture and tradition of the people which she said was fast eroding. She expressed concern about the current attitude of some Ghanaians who disregard as well as disrespect the elderly and people in authority and charged particularly some radio presenters to be circumspect during their interaction on air. 07 May 10