General News of Saturday, 14 September 2013

Source: Anita Frimpong

Comprehensive national CSR policy launched

Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry, Nii lantey vanderpuye, has launched the comprehensive National Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR policy for Ghana and the inauguration of the Technical Review Team.
He said cooperate social responsibilityCSR is a key in development of the society and must have positive impact on citizen. The next phase of the program is inauguration of the policy cannot achieve a result if is not formed.
“In Ghana today, there are a variety of social and environmental policies and laws that together provide a kind of a CSR frame work that unfortunately lacks a consistent definition and position on the topic. “he lamented.

Acting Germen Ambassador, Mr. Thomas Wimmer said Germen development policy operates at three levels include multilateralCooperation, bilateral cooperation, and cooperation with non governmental organization.
He said the Germen ministry economic cooperation and DevelopmentOperates with a wide spectrum of development instruments which are implemented by different players.
He hopes that the policy would motivate the private sector to do strategic CSR.
He pledges the Government and the people of Germany to offer support to overcome the development challenges of Ghana and to accompany Ghana on their way towards a fully developed Middle income country.
Mr. Siegfried Christine Leffler, Country Director, GIZ said the CSR perception and understanding in developed and developing countries differ significantly. The international prevalent conception of CSR stems from industrialized developed countries and can be best characterized by the term strategic CSR where it is not seen as a cost, constraint, or charitable deed but as a strategic concept that generates opportunity, innovation, and competitive advantage for corporations while solving pressing social problems
He said GIZ Ghana through their development partnership with the private DPP sector program has demonstrated that applying strategic CSR in partnership with the public sector promotes sustainable social and economic development.
He pledge their dedication support towards this policy initiative
He assures GIZ support and preparedness under the structural building component of the DPP initiative to promote and sustaining the development partnership agenda, which proven to be effectrive and efficient.