General News of Thursday, 24 October 2019


Central University Vice-Chancellor to deliver Sixth National Development Forum lecture

Professor Bill Buenar Puplampu Professor Bill Buenar Puplampu

Professor Bill Buenar Puplampu, the Vice-Chancellor of Central University will deliver the Sixth National Development Forum public lecture slated for Wednesday, 30 October, at the British Council in Accra.

The forum, which will be organised by the National Development Planning Commission (NDPC) will be on the theme: “Ghana’s Human Capital Development Agenda”.

A statement signed by Mrs Akosua D. Ntim Sekyere, Head of Public Relations, NDPC, and copied to the Ghana News Agency said the Forum seeks to look at the development interventions, which fundamentally requires effective human capital development to deliver the intended outcomes.

It said Prof. Puplampu would be speaking on the topic: "A critical look at Ghana's Human Capital Development Agenda: Where do we go from here?"

It said the moderated panel discussions to follow, would examine the state of human capital development in Ghana, the opportunities and challenges, and the potentials for advancing the Ghana@100 development agenda.

It said since independence, there had been tremendous expansion in access to education.

"Yet, the impact of these achievements on the quality and outcomes of our human capital has been elusive," the statement said.

It noted that Ghana’s pursuit of a long-term vision of a solidly developed nation, at 100 years, calls for not only an enabling environment with appropriate policy and legal frameworks, but also of actions directed at enhancing knowledge and skills, as well as developing the right attitudes and orientation of its human resources “to survive, adapt, and thrive in the fast-changing world”.

It said the upcoming forum would focus on discussions to transform the rich resource – growing the youthful population – into the driving force of the country’s long-term development agenda.

"The forum, will subsequently look at tackling the Corruption Menace; and Towards Sustainable Sanitation Management in Ghana; and these are scheduled for 20 November and 19 December 2019, respectively," it said.

"The forum will stream live on JoyNews (Facebook), NDPC Ghana (Facebook), and @ndpcghana (Twitter). Ideas, questions and comments on the theme may be sent to either of the social media handles or by Whatsapp to: 0540-960-315."