Master Oswald Tiengdan, a 12-year old pupil of Macris Christian Academy, was at the weekend found dead hanging on a "Clothes Drying Line" in front of his father's house at Akyempim in the Tarkwa- Nsuaem Municipality.
The body of the deceased has been deposited at the Tarkwa Municipal Hospital for autopsy.
The Municipal Crime Officer, Superintendent of Police, Augustine Anyarah, who disclosed this in an interview with the Ghana News Agency (GNA) on Monday, said they suspected suicide.
He said the deceased was the first born of three children of his parents, but he lived with his father, alone, Mr. Lazarus Tiengdan at Akyempim.
Superintendent Anyarah said at about 2000 hours on Saturday, the Nsuta Police received a report from the deceased’s father that his son had been found dead hanging on a drying line.
He said when the police proceeded to the house, they found Oswald’s body hanging on the line in front of his father’s house with one of his knees touching on the ground.
The crime officer said that some neighbors living near the deceased’s house said at about 1820 hours on Saturday evening they saw the deceased moving about but after an hour, they spotted his body hanging on the line.
Superintendent Anyarah said there were no physical marks on the body and the Police did not also find any suicide note besides the body.
He said they were investigating the incident.