Sunyani Nov. 24, GNA - The Judicial Committee of the Brong Ahafo Regional House of Chiefs, dismissed a petition filed by Nana Atoa Samangyedua III, Queen mother of Wenchi and three other kingmakers. It was against the installation and enstoolment of Kwadwo Nyam Nketia as Omanhene of Wenchi Traditional Area.
The Committee, presided over by Nana Asor Nkrawiri II, Omanhene of Sunyani, ordered Nana Adusi Poku, Gyasehene of Wenchi to take inventory of the stool property and hand over same to Kwadwo Nyam Nketia, "who will now be addressed by his proper stool name of Nana Kwadwo Abrefa Nketia V11, within two weeks".
The committee also ordered the petitioners to pay cost of 2,500 Ghana cedis to the respondents, who were Kwadwo Nyam Nketia, Nana Owusu Ansa Kokroko, Krontihene and Nana Adusi Poku, Gyasehene. It ruled that Kwadwo Nyam Nketia should hence forth be considered as the rightful Omanhene of Wenchi Traditional Area, under the stool name Nana Kwadwo Nyam Nketia V11. The committee explained that it was convinced that "in view of the peculiar custom and practice that has involved over the past 50 years, or so, in connection with nomination, election and enstoolment and installation of the paramount chief of Wenchi, the present petition is not maintainable and that same hereby struck out and dismissed as lacking in merit". It said reasons for the judgement would be given later. The petitioners were represented by Mrs. Elizabeth Ofosu Adjare who held brief for Sir Dennis Adjei whilst Nana Bediatuo Asante was counsel for the respondents. Both parties were present. The petition was filed at the House on June 12, 2006 by the Queen Mother and three others contending that the conduct of the respondents in nominating and installing Nana Nketia as Omanhene was illegal and unlawful and contrary to the customs and practices of the people of Wenchi, as well as the Chieftaincy institution in Ghana. They therefore asked the House to restrain the respondents from installing and enstooling Nana Nketia as Omanhene. The respondents, however, in their submission explained that by Wenchi customs, what the royals and the Gyasehene did with respect to the nomination was proper and lawful. Other relevant customary practices were followed and accordingly on June 12, 2006 Nana Nketia was duly enstooled as Wenchihene under the stool name, Nana Abrefa Kwadwo Nketia V11, the respondents stated.