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Arresting Traffic Offenders, Oseikrom Style

As the police hung dangerously on the bonnet, the driver continued to move in the reverse gear in a zigzag fashion, trying to shake him off.

For more than 100 metres, the driver fiercely continued to try and dispose of his” unwanted cargo” but the sergeant held on.

It took frantic hand waves from on lookers to signal the driver to stop for the policeman to get down.

And when he stopped, the driver sped off and vanished into thin air, but thankfully somebody took the car number.
As the police hung dangerously on the bonnet, the driver continued to move in the reverse gear in a zigzag fashion, trying to shake him off. For more than 100 metres, the driver fiercely continued to try and dispose of his” unwanted cargo” but the sergeant held on. It took frantic hand waves from on lookers to signal the driver to stop for the policeman to get down. And when he stopped, the driver sped off and vanished into thin air, but thankfully somebody took the car number.