Diaspora News of Monday, 26 August 2013

Source: ASCANA

ASCANA Holds 2nd Congress

The 2nd congress of the Association of Shia Citizens and affiliates of North America (ASCANA 2013) just ended in Worcester, Massachusetts with the theme " Giving Back To Shia".

'As relatives, friends and neighbors, it was easy to notice and talk about all the things that our village does wrong, but honestly, it does a lot for us, even if we don’t realize it. Everyone, rich or poor, takes from society, and volunteering is one way to show a sense of appreciation. Doing something for the community you live in and returning the favor to those who have helped you are strong motivations to join this association'. These were some of the messages contained in the welcome address of the President, Mr. Simon Ocloo at the 2nd Bi-annual congress of the Association of Shia citizens and affiliates in North America (ASCANA).

At the business meeting on Saturday morning in Mr. & Mrs. T.K Azumah's residence, Mr. Simon Ocloo, expressed his profound gratitude to all members who travelled to Worcester to attend the event especially those who have held the association to this day, he noted that some of the aims of the association are to support each other in the diaspora and help with development projects in the village. After a long discussion, the association unanimously agreed to undertake several health Screening projects in Shia for the year 2013 - 2015 and beyond. The house agreed that health screening is one of the most important things they can do to maintain proper health. Beginning next year, the association will provide all the necessary equipments and logistics necessary for the regular health screening in collaboration with the Shia Clinic and other natives who are health practitioners in and around Shia. According to the President, health screenings, combined with health education, a good diet and exercise, provide people with an understanding of their health. Members' approval confirmed the fact that, our folks in the village may be at risk for diseases such as stroke, diabetes, heart attack, eyes problems just to mention a few, and early detection and control can prevent major consequences down the road. The business meeting ended with election of new officers who were inducted into office: Simon Ocloo (President), Tony Xatse (Vice President), Jane Frances Sumah-Domi (Secretary), Norbert Gozah (Assistant Secretary), Prosper Kemeh (Treasurer), Doris Ocloo (Assistant Treasurer), Blaise Tony Hometorwu (Publicity/Organizer), Charles Ocloo (Asst Publicity/Organizer), T.K Azumah, Mary Semavor and Christine Azumah (Council of Elders).

Saturday night was the moment everyone including our children and friends waited for. Members danced to all local tunes with lots of food and drinks. During the closing ceremony, the President, Mr. Simon Ocloo thank each and everyone for their time, love, and efforts in pulling off this event successfully. On behalf of the association he expressed his special thanks to Ms Christine Azumah, Mr & Mrs. T. K Azumah Mr. & Mrs. Prosper Kemeh for opening their homes to us, the food were delicious. He encouraged members to continue their support for each other and already looking forward for 2015 convention in Worcester again God willing. Many of the Shia Citizens who were part of the event agreed that, the congress provided an atmosphere of friendship and family reunion, getting to know each other and lots of fun. The participation by spouses, children, fiancés, and friends of ASCANA added a lot of flavor to the event. The closing prayer was said by our own man of God Deacon Xatse.

For questions, please contact, President (s.ocloo@att.net, 508-517-8510) and Organizer (hometorwu@hotmail.com, 312-296-0698)

Please join us on face book for more photos

