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Opinions of Saturday, 15 July 2023

Columnist: Obimpeh-Obipeh

Criminalizing LGBTQ+ in Ghana; morality verses legality

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Without mincing words, the world is at a crossroads with the discussion on LGBTQ+ forming a critical component of governance and decision-making at all international fronts.

However, it's an issue subject to determination by a group of people governed by acceptable values and norms constituting a legal framework binding them together as a country.

The determination of the above subject whether or not it should be criminalized in Ghana has sparked a wide range of discussions and controversies within the media space.

As a student and friend of the law, I have taken a careful look at the analyses and arguments made by some human rights lawyers and activists that the passage of the anti-LGBTQ+ bill cock a snook at the fundamental human right of those within the said community.

Am not oblivious to the merit of their arguments since they are only echoing the position of the Western forces who are burnt on enticing every country to accept their obnoxious culture.

Amidst this obscurity of law, it's imperative to state here that legality or law is an offspring of morality. Despite the fact that law has evolved over the years, its definition of being a generally acceptable behavior by a group of people within a defined territory that is enforceable is absolute.

Every law draws it's inspiration or was deduced from the holy scriptures hence during the Roman Empire the church was the court and justice was administered by the high priest. Why? Because the laws were made to enhance morality.

Now for those who strongly believe criminalizing this practice will be an affront to human rights, was the actions of the Lord God almighty in His infinite wisdom by destroying Sodom and Gomorrah as in the holy book an infringement on the right of these same classes of people at the time?

Why did God then create every living thing male and female?
Anyone who thinks God was wrong does not deserve this very planet.

As Ghanaians, we have our own set of values and norms which has no room for such practices hence just like the fish cannot survive on land but water, those interested in practicing the LGBTQ+ should find places where they will be welcome.

The sentimentalism and or sensationalism of the subject is anchored on the dangers it poses to our values. Already we can't boast of the best of healthcare, thus doctor to patients ratio, inadequate facilities, and modern-day equipment among others yet one thinks we should legalize a mess and begin thinking of an unfounded solution.

Until am told the benefits the LGBTQ+ will bring to us as a nation apart from a so-called human rights-related issue, I think the proposed punishments are relatively less than that of Sodom and Gomorrah.