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Opinions of Thursday, 2 November 2023

Columnist: George A-e-fong

Unity over division: Africa's path to progress

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Africa, often referred to as the cradle of civilization, is a continent with immense potential. It boasts breathtaking landscapes, rich biodiversity, and a vibrant tapestry of cultures. Yet, it remains haunted by a relentless specter:
the intersection of religion, politics, and ethnicity that has impeded its development for decades.

However, as we stand at the threshold of a new era, it's crucial to recognize that unity can triumph over division, and a brighter future awaits the African continent.

The Triple Challenge

Religion, politics, and ethnicity have indeed been significant challenges for Africa's development. These factors have fueled conflict, undermined good governance, and hindered social and economic progress. But, rather than dwelling on the problems, let us shift our focus towards the potential solutions that can help Africa overcome these hurdles.

1. Embrace Diversity

Africa is the most ethnically and culturally diverse continent on the planet. Instead of viewing this as a liability, Africans should celebrate it as a unique strength. Diversity brings richness to the continent's social fabric, offering countless opportunities for learning and growth. Recognizing and respecting these differences can foster unity and cooperation, allowing for a harmonious coexistence.

2. Separation of Religion and Politics

Religion can be a source of solace and inspiration for many, but when it becomes intertwined with politics, it often leads to division. A secular government that respects and protects the freedom of religion can help to neutralize the negative impact of religious differences in political matters. A state that respects all faiths encourages inclusivity and equal representation, providing a fair platform for all citizens.

3. Political Inclusivity

African nations must strive for more inclusive political systems that ensure all voices are heard. This means adopting transparent and democratic processes, discouraging corruption, and upholding the rule of law. When ethnic or political groups feel marginalized, they are more likely to resort to violence to voice their concerns. Inclusive governments can help bridge the gap between different factions and encourage cooperation for the common good.

The African Renaissance

Africa's future is not bleak, but rather brimming with potential. By addressing the challenges posed by religion, politics, and ethnicity head-on, the continent can embark on a new era of development.

1. Economic Opportunities

Africa is blessed with abundant natural resources, a young and dynamic workforce, and an increasingly educated population. By focusing on sustainable development, investing in education, and fostering innovation, the continent can unlock its vast economic potential. Diverse industries, from agriculture to technology, can flourish, providing economic stability for all.

2. Regional Cooperation

African nations can break free from the shackles of division by fostering regional cooperation. The African Union, for instance, can serve as a platform for dialogue and collaboration on issues of continental importance. By working together, African countries can address shared challenges and build a prosperous future for all.

3. Empowerment Through Education

Education is the key to breaking the cycle of underdevelopment. By investing in quality education for all, African nations can empower their citizens to take an active role in the development of their communities and nations. This, in turn, can lead to improved governance and more accountable leadership.


Religion, politics, and ethnicity have been significant stumbling blocks in Africa's journey toward development, but they need not remain so. By embracing diversity, fostering inclusivity, and promoting unity, the African continent can overcome these challenges and unlock its true potential.

The dawn of a new era is upon Africa, and its people have the power to shape their destiny. The bane of underdevelopment can be transformed into a beacon of hope and progress. It is time for Africa to rise above division and work together toward a future where peace, prosperity, and unity reign supreme.

The world watches with hope and anticipation, ready to witness Africa's renaissance and the fulfillment of its boundless potential.