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Opinions of Monday, 20 March 2023

Columnist: Obed Chris Glikpo

Reasons why governments institutions should consider marketing an important part of institutional development

I remember growing through the years we always take government institutions as place for lazy people because of how things are handled within that space. But I think more can be done to improve the lives of Ghanaian youths using the right strategies. That bad image can be transformed into new energies to better our economy.

Marketing is an important tool for government institutions in Ghana to promote the country’s development and achieve their goals. It is an integral part of the government’s strategy for economic and social progress. The government has a responsibility to ensure that its institutions and services are visible and accessible to the public, and marketing helps to achieve this.

Marketing helps to raise awareness of the services and products offered by government institutions in Ghana. It enables the public to access information and understand the benefits of the services and products. This helps to increase the demand for such services and products, which in turn boosts the economy. Marketing also helps to create an image of the government as a reliable and trustworthy organization.

The government needs to ensure that its services are seen as being beneficial to the people of Ghana, and marketing can help to achieve this. This helps to build public trust and confidence in the government. Marketing is also essential for creative problem solving. It helps to identify the needs of the public and develop strategies to address them. This helps to ensure that the government’s services and products are tailored to the needs of the people and are effective in improving the quality of life of Ghanaians.

Marketing also helps to inspire and motivate the public to participate in the government’s activities and initiatives. This helps to increase the level of public engagement in the government’s activities, which is essential for the development of the country. Marketing also helps to improve the efficiency of government’s services and products. This helps to ensure that the government is able to deliver quality services and products at an affordable cost. This has the potential to reduce the financial burden on the government, which is essential for economic growth.

Finally, marketing helps to promote the government’s mission and values. This helps to ensure that the government’s activities and initiatives are aligned with the values of the people of Ghana. This helps to ensure that the government’s activities are seen as being beneficial to the people, which helps to build public trust and confidence in the government. In conclusion, marketing is an essential tool for government institutions in Ghana to promote the country’s development and achieve their goals.

It helps to raise awareness of the services and products offered by the government and create an image of reliability. It also helps to identify the needs of the public and develop strategies to address them. Furthermore, it helps to inspire and motivate the public to participate in the government’s activities and initiatives, and improve the efficiency of the government’s services and products.

Also, marketing helps to promote the government’s mission and values, which helps to ensure that the government’s activities are seen as being beneficial to the people.