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Opinions of Monday, 22 June 2020

Columnist: Ricoh Richard Appiah

NPP primaries: Looking ahead

The NPP primaries are over, results have been collated. First and foremost, congratulations to NPP and the Electoral Commission for conducting credible elections.

There was one reported case of fist fights in Bantema, but tempers cooled.

The results brought one glaring issue. A significant number of current MPs lost their seats, what does this portend? Only time will tell.

My initial research seems to suggest sitting MPs lost because of complacency. Some MPs failed woefully to lobby for any discernible developmental projects for the constituencies. No progression in 4 years is a damaging indictment for NPP MPs (government in power)

The most damaging accusations were lack of "presence " These NPP MPs hardly visited their constituencies during their tenure in office.

Then also is that contentious issue of vote buying. No one is prepared to confirm or deny these underhand actions, but we know it exists. Sometimes, it's done through local influencers (a chief may whisper in the ears of delegates..come and see me when we win..)

The other current trend is population dynamics..(look at the results from Agogo) An MP can lose his seat because he is from a smaller town.

Then there are MPs who never speak or raise any questions in parliament. (Documented by parliamentary reports)

Lastly, some MPs actually don't turn up for work, but are busy running other businesses. Dare I say including quality time with side chicks. The fact still remains, like football pundits keep saying "it's up to Liverpool to lose the EPL championship.!

The bigger question, will the sitting MPs lose impact on December elections..?

My personal opinion is that the new primaries winners will carry the momentum behind them, bringing fresh energies, new ideas, but they will have to hit the ground running, bringing all factions together, avoiding any inflammatory languages.

There is an election approaching fast round the corner. The unspoken truth "There is nothing worse than winning primary but losing the generals"

Good luck to all sides. Corona or no Corona, things will never be the same. MPs, new or old will be under intense scrutiny, like never before. December 2020 is going to be a whole new ball game.

Ricoh Richard Appiah

Ricoh Financial Consultants

London, United Kingdom