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Opinions of Sunday, 27 August 2023

Columnist: TEIN TTU NEWS

Evaluating the NPP Super Delegate conference : A call for better alternatives

The recent NPP Super Delegate Elections have left many Ghanaians disillusioned and disheartened. The presence of a failed lying economist and a violent loose talker as the top alternatives has raised serious concerns about the future of our nation.

This article aims to shed light on the deep-rooted issues within the NPP and advocate for a broader reevaluation of political engagement in Ghana.

A Failed Representation:

The inclusion of candidates with questionable credentials and behavior reflects poorly on the NPP's commitment to providing competent and responsible leadership. It is evident that the party's candidate selection process has failed to attract individuals who possess the necessary qualities to effectively represent and serve the people of Ghana.

Addressing the Disconnect:

The NPP Super Delegate Elections have further widened the disconnect between political parties and the aspirations of the Ghanaian people. The presence of unsuitable candidates only reinforces public skepticism and erodes trust in the democratic process. It is time for a collective introspection to understand why such candidates emerge as the best alternatives.

Fostering Political Accountability:

Ghanaians deserve political leaders who are accountable to their constituents, uphold ethical standards, and work tirelessly for the betterment of the nation. The NPP's failure to offer credible alternatives calls for a reevaluation of its commitment to these principles. This is an opportunity for citizens to demand greater accountability from political parties and candidates.

Exploring Alternative Political Platforms:

The disappointing results of the NPP Super Delegate Elections should serve as a wake-up call for Ghanaians to explore alternative political platforms. It is crucial to support parties and candidates who prioritize integrity, competence, and a genuine desire to serve the nation. This requires active engagement in local politics, supporting grassroots movements, and encouraging the emergence of new political alternatives.

Demanding Reforms:

As citizens, we have the power to demand reforms and hold political parties accountable for their selection processes. It is essential to advocate for transparent candidate selection procedures, stringent vetting mechanisms, and greater public involvement in the decision-making process. By actively participating in the political landscape, we can shape the future of our nation for the better.

The NPP Super Delegate Elections have underscored the urgent need for a reevaluation of political engagement in Ghana. The presence of unsuitable candidates as the best alternatives is a clear indication that change is necessary.

It is time for Ghanaians to demand greater accountability, explore alternative political platforms, and actively participate in shaping the future of our nation. By doing so, we can move beyond the disappointments of the past and build a brighter political landscape for Ghana.