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Opinions of Sunday, 14 March 2021

Columnist: Kwaku Badu

Election 2020 is over: Owusu Bempah’s 16 years prophecy is imminent!

I am pretty sure that the vast majority of Ghanaians are most grateful to the Supreme Court of Ghana for the sterling performance on the 2020 election petition.

We would, therefore, like to extend our warmest congratulations to the winner, President Akufo-Addo, and wish the losing candidate, former President Mahama, a better luck next time.

Well, now that election 2020 is over, we shall turn our attention to Rev. Owusu Bempah 16 years controversial prophecy on the NDC on 31st December 2016.

Although I am not a pastor, a soothsayer, a prophet, or a black magician, I was the first person to predict through a couple of articles that NDC will stay in opposition for at least sixteen years (see: ‘Why Dr Bawumiah could keep NDC in opposition for sixteen years-part Iⅈ,16/12/2016).

Of course I am not a Man of God’. No, my earlier prediction was not from God. I am no Man of God. I am only an impenitent sinner who God would not send to deliver a message to his children while the likes of Rev Owusu Bempah and ‘Angel Obinim’s are still around.

Suffice it to stress that I based my prediction on Ghanaians overwhelming acceptance of the NPP administration’s numerous programmes and policies and a retrospective analysis of the successive NDC governments performances.

As it was expected back then, I was inundated with unmeasured criticisms from the brassbound NDC supporters following the publications of the aforesaid articles.

So I was taken aback when Rev Owusu Bempah prophesied on 31st December 2016 that the ‘NDC will stay in opposition for sixteen years’ (see: ‘Owusu Bempah’s seventeen prophecies for 2017’, 01/01/2017).

Following Rev Owusu Bempah’s 16 years prophecy on NDC, I soliloquised: “My 16 years prediction on NDC may well come to pass after all.”

Well, you may have a valid reason to disagree with me for putting my trust in the firebrand prophet. But who am I to judge? After all, hasn’t the Holy Book (Bible) said judge not?

To be quite honest, I possess no supernatural powers to know whether Rev Owusu Bempah’s prophecies are from God or not.

However, it is being rumoured that Rev Owusu Bempah’s predictions or prophecies more often than not, come to pass.

If my dearest readers may recall, Rev Owusu Bempah predicted audaciously that Nana Akufo Addo was going to win both the 2016 and 2020 general elections.

He subsequently dared his sceptics that his mission house should be burnt down if his prophecies failed to come true.

In fact, NDC’s abysmal performances over the years are so conspicuous that one does not necessarily require God’s prophecy before realising that the party will struggle to come back to power anytime soon.

Somehow, the results of the 2016 and 2020 general elections give credence to the fact that Ghanaians have overcome their memory loss after all, contrary to former President Mahama’s earlier pronouncement about Ghanaians chronic amnesia.

Let us face it, the previous NDC administration’s performance was nothing to write home about. Thus one did not need a prophecy from a Man of God to know that NDC will suffer the consequences in the future elections.

You may believe it or not, but the fact of the matter is that former President Mahama and his NDC appointees went haywire in their desperation to cling on to power during the 2012 general elections.

They broke all conventions. Many government departments spent over and above their allocated budgets.

Thus, many observers hold a strong view that Ghana’s economic downslide came about as a result of the unbridled sleazes and gargantuan corruption that have been associated with the NDC government over the years.

The general believe among Ghanaians back then was that the NDC apparatchiks bought votes with the tax payers money.

Apparently, they retained power following the controversial election on 7th December 2012.

The previously single digit inflation and budget deficit doubled astronomically. The GH9.5 billion debt which former President Kufuor and his NPP government left in 2009 rocketed astronomically to GH122.4 billion with a little to show for.

As a matter of fact, the worst economic conditions, coupled with the business crippling dumsor, brought untold hardships to the good people of Ghana and the vast majority of Ghanaians would not wish to revisit the dark days under the NDC administration.

Believe it or not, if President Akufo Addo and his appointees were to honour most of their 2016 and 2020 Manifesto promises of one district one factory, one village one dam in the northern part of Ghana, one million dollars per constituency, Free SHS, tax reductions, among others, trust me, NPP will keep the NDC in opposition for a very long time.

So who says that Rev. Owusu Bempah’s sixteen years prophecy on NDC will never come to pass?

K. Badu, UK.