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Sports Features of Thursday, 26 April 2018


Division One League: We are on course - Uncle T United chief

President of Uncle T United FC, Isaac Tetteh (TT Brothers) have expressed gross satisfaction about the team’s current fine form.

The team have gone past seven games; winning all except a 0-0 drawn game against Accra Lions in this year’s Division One League.

On Sunday, they recorded a 1-0 win over Tudu Mighty Jets, their second straight win in four days after recording same score line against Agbozume Weavers, at Agbozume.

He said after the Jet’s game “We just thank God, we needed the three points, and we have recorded it. We played very good football. We have played seven games; this was our worst in terms of officiating, we had a clear penalty but he refused. We haven’t complained about officiating this season, so it should tell you how appalling it was.

“We are working towards improving our scoring abilities. I have confidence in the team, the coach as well as the entire technical team, we are on course. We are considering wining the remaining eight matches in the first round and see what happens next.”

He added “We are not underrating any team, we will do our very best, for now, it is a game at a time.”

Uncle T United, currently sitting on the Zone Three summit with 19 points next, face their bitterest rivals Heart of Lions in an FA Cup clash this Sunday.