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Opinions of Friday, 30 June 2023

Columnist: SpinnerWeb

And Quayson won!

Politics is the practice of persuading the general public to accept or even demand their own enslavement through the use of euphemisms, lies, emotionalism, and fear-mongering. Rose Larken

A monumental by-election took place. The ability to speak for the deserving citizens of Assin North was in jeopardy. Between James Gyakye Quayson of the NDC and Charles Opoku of the NPP, it was evidently a direct fight. Bernice Enyonam, the LPG candidate, should have known from the start that she would only be a distant second.

On May 17, 2023, Assin-Bereku-born Michael Ankomah Nimfah filed a complaint alleging that Mr. Quayson's election in 2020 was invalid under the Supreme Court's authority to interpret and uphold the Constitution.

"Upon a true and proper interpretation of Article 94(2)(a), the decision of 2nd Defendant (Electoral Commission) to allow the 1st Defendant (James Quayson) to contest the parliamentary election of Assin North when the 1st Defendant had not shown evidence of the cancellation of his citizenship of Canada is an act that is inconsistent with, and violates, Article 94(2)(a) of the 1992 Constitution," the Supreme Court stated in its full judgment The decision made by Quayson was therefore "null and void and of no legal effect." Finally, the Supreme Court ruled that "the name of the First Defendant James Gyakye Quayson as Member of Parliament" must be removed from Parliament. Coram (Before), Jones Dotse JSC, Nene Amegatcher JSC, Mariama Owusu (Ms.) JSC, Gertrude Torkornoo (Mrs.) JSC, Prof. Henrietta Mensah-Bonsu (Mrs.) JSC, YonnyKulendi JSC, and BarbarnAckah-Yensu (Ms.) JSC.

A person who owes loyalty to a nation other than Ghana is not eligible to serve as a member of parliament, according to Article 94 (2) (a) of the 1992 constitution.

Inevitably, a by-election was held. The NPP chose Charles Opoku, age 40, as their candidate rather than Abena Durowaa Mensah, whose vote total of 14,193 (44.79%) in 2020 fell short of James Gyakye Quayson of the NDC's 17,498 (55.21%).

The same James Gyakye Quaison was chosen by the NDC as its candidate. Bernice Enyonam, a candidate for the Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG), was the third contender.

It was a robust campaign. All the major players in politics invaded. There were many different "words" used in the argument. A month after setting up camp in Assin North, Sammy Gyamfi, the NDC's national communications officer, referred to Charles Opoku, the NPP candidate, as "a political prostitute." He came to us and told us to abandon Quayson and make him our candidate. However, we (NDC) informed him that we don't operate that way and advised him to get in line. He doesn't even cast a vote here and has no morals, convictions, or record.

The NPP government began working as early as Tuesday, June 27, 2023, on the Assin North road project, exactly as it had been done at Kumawu. Claims that the road construction was done to sway the people were denied by Cynthia Mamle Morrison, the member of parliament for Agona West. Basically, the road was being built prior to the by-election, and as you are aware, constructions continue throughout by-elections and cannot be hidden, so this one is advantageous for us due to the weather.

The selection of an MP pleased President Akufo-Addo. "It is important for us to exercise our voting rights responsibly," he said. We shouldn't back or vote for those who are embroiled in legal disputes that could ultimately land them in jail. We require a person who can come and assist you and who will act in your best interests. Gyakye Quayson is able to conduct business while incarcerated. How can he work from prison when we vote for people to go to Parliament and serve there? Don't cast your vote for a candidate who will go to jail.

In response to the president's assertion that Quayson's case was similar to that of NPP member Adamu Sakande, who was imprisoned, ex-President Mahama criticized him for the assertion. The President is incorrect in his assertions, according to Mahama, as he is harming the legal case.

Sumaila Bielbiel filed a lawsuit in court against Adamu Sakande, the late MP for Bawku Central, seeking a declaration that the defendant is a holder of British and Burkinabe passports and, as a result, owes allegiance to a country other than Ghana and is, as a result, ineligible to hold the office of Member of Parliament.

After being found guilty of perjury and forgery in July 2012, the Supreme Court tinkered with the term "and" in Article 130(1) of the 1992 Constitution, and Sakande was sentenced to two years in prison for a second-degree felony that would have resulted in a 10-year sentence. Sakande's heart condition was cited as a reason by his attorney, Yonny Kulendi, for a more lenient sentence.

President J.D. Mahama gave Sakande unconditional amnesty in December 2012.

The likelihood of Quayson being imprisoned by the court has neither irritated nor alarmed the NDC. They compare the circumstance to that of South Africa's Nelson Mandela (also known as the Black Pimpernel), who served some of his 27 years in prison on Robben Island. On May 10, 1994, at the age of 75, he was elected president after a "long walk to freedom." Or consider the first president, Kwame Nkrumah, who was released from James Fort Prison in February 1951 after serving nearly a year of a three-year term beginning in January 1950 after winning the Accra Central (Ashiedu Keteke) seat under Governor of the Gold Coast, Sir Charles Arden Clark. However, Mandela and Nkrumah were merely "Political Prisoners".

The Vice President was trekking through the rain on the campaign trail to inaugurate an Astro-Turf. No raincoat or umbrella necessary, the deal is supposed to have begun in 2022. Additionally, a local said, "V-8 cars are here in such great numbers as if they were purchased with pesewas." also building roads in June, which is the rainy season!

The money was split between T and T. There is no reality to the 'money-cracy' charges that the NDC and NPP were giving away GHC 100 and GHC 200 to each recipient, respectively. The politicians will continue to defend their actions even if there is no evidence to support them. Exactly why not? Mahama is cited as saying in the Volta Region that mixing lies and truths is necessary for political success.

Did Quayson triumph because of the broader economic downturn and rising prices that force salaried workers to spend all of their pay on food? Did Quayson triumph because his "case" appealed to people's emotions and won him their "sympathy votes"? What was the strategy behind how the political parties set themselves up for the election, including their speeches, displays of riches, arrogance of authority, and candidate personas?

Or did the public's perception of the NPP government's support for LGBTQ people change? Propaganda? As if Assin North's inhabitants lacked mental capacity! Charles Opoku sika no y'adi (We have "chopped" Charles Opoku's money), was sung by James Quayson's fans. Despite coming from the same town as James Quayson, Charles Opoku was not registered to vote in Assin North.

Things didn't go well for us, an NPP supporter complained as he bid Assin North farewell in a dejected, crestfallen manner.

To successfully organize itself and oversee the election in peace, the police deserves praise. Of course, Assin North's residents deserve the most praise for their remarkable ability to maintain calm under pressure. No animosity. Ghana's democracy is good.