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Diaspora News of Thursday, 19 March 2015

Source: NPP UK

NPP UK calls for resignation of AG

...and full probe into Woyome saga as The President’s judgement is called into question!

NPP UK, in a scathing rebuke to the judgment of President Mahama, has called for the immediate resignation of the Attorney General and a full inquiry into the whole affair, to establish the facts, hold public officers to account, and retrieve the moneys that the supreme court has rightly ruled should be paid back to the state.

One can only hope and pray that the recently acquitted NDC financier extraordinaire and beneficiary of that eye watering and whopping great sum of GHC 51 million cedis judgment debt will at some point refund the colossal sum of money that rightfully belongs to the hard working Ghanaian taxpayer!

The latest twist in the sorry Woyome saga is nothing short of mind-boggling. Reports reaching us suggest that Alfred Agbesi Woyome has called upon Ghana’s Attorney General, Mrs Marietta Brew-Oppong to resign on grounds that she is unfit to be the chief legal advisor to the President and Government of Ghana.

It is not every day that the nation’s number 1 prosecutor ends up in the proverbial dock accused by a man whom they have unsuccessfully prosecuted. It is alleged that (Woyome) is struggling to come to terms with how she (the Attorney General) could involve herself directly in his criminal case and notice of appeal when she and her clients received the equivalent of approximately $1 million from the said judgment debt which she is now criminalising and wants him jailed for.

If there is some, or indeed any truth in what Mr Woyome is alleging, it raises a number of pertinent questions;

1. The AG aside, who else at the heart of the Mahama administration benefitted from this ill-gotten wealth?

2. What services had Mrs Brew-Oppong rendered in consideration for such a handsome sum?

3. Did the President know about this secret arrangement between his chief legal officer and one of his party’s chief financiers?

4. Does this latest revelation explain the shambolic nature of the Prosecution’s case against Mr Woyome?

While the President continues to look on, apparently unconcerned about the plight of the ordinary Ghanaian and the impact of the loss of such a colossal sum of tax payer’s money, (under the spurious guise of a judgment debt) we in the NPP UK call upon him to wake up and get a grip, on the corruption which under his watch has so spiralled out of control that it is crippling our economy, stunting growth and killing enterprise and initiative.

When Woyome says the AG should resign, he is in reality calling the President’s judgment into question. On this score, he is not alone. The President's predecessor in title, President Rawlings has told the nation in no uncertain terms that his successor is not serious about fighting corruption - and ought to open his eyes and see what is going on around him.

While President Mahama tries to figure out what to do, we urgently call upon him to set up a commission of enquiry / probe to investigate Mr Woyome’s complaint about his AG.

Whilst he considers this basic but crucial demand, NPP UK additionally call upon the discredited Attorney General, to do the honourable thing and resign from her post immediately. In most jurisdictions, a person in her position would have realised how deeply conflicted she was and would not have waited to be asked, but would have assigned the case to another senior colleague. Her failure to do so in the particular circumstances, seriously undermines her position and calls her judgment into question.

Will she resign in order, to spare the government of which she's a part, undue embarrassment, and indeed save the President the duty of having to ask her to step aside?

Sadly it seems an alien culture in Ghana, for embattled / corrupt officials to voluntarily resign. In this instance however, the Attorney General's prosecutorial efforts, which have been described as shoddy, lackadaisical and a complete waste of time, stem, it would now appear, from her obvious conflict of interest, and covert hypocrisy, as exposed by Woyome.

How can she possibly, in those circumstances, continue in this high and noble office of State?

NPP UK hereby challenges President Mahama to heed our calls and seize this opportunity to unequivocally demonstrate his willingness and commitment to fight the corruption in his government. We say that there is no better time than now for the President to demonstrate in concrete terms, his ability to cut out this cancer of conspiracies to create, loot and share which have come to characterise and are at the very heart of his faltering administration.

D.O-Y & R.D.D

March 2015