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Diaspora News of Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Source: prince osei bonsu. worcester, ma

Revival Hits America

Pastor Benny Hinn has repeatedly said on his regular TV programs on TBN that the Lord has once told him that after he calls home Evangelists Oral Roberts and Billy Graham he is going to raise new spiritual giants to cause a massive waive of revival in the US and the rest of the world.

Evangelist Oral Roberts was called to eternity two years ago and Evangelist Billy Graham is now retired due to old age.

From Africa, a new spiritual giant is emerging with a strong and massive revival

pulling crowds from every corner of the United States.

Rev. Kofi Adonteng Boateng a Worcester based man of God who migrated to the United States about six years ago started a tele conference prayer line with a team of three in early 2010 which has evolved to about 8000 people during the peak hours of 10:00pm and midnight each day.

By the dint of hard working, God fearing, dedication, commitment, respect, love,

humanity, and honesty has raised Prophet Kofi Adonteng Boateng from Grass to Grace.

Genesis 12:1-2 1 The LORD had said to Abram, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.

2 “I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing.

This prophetic word from God to Abram, has exhibited in the life of Prophet Adonteng, whist his name has been blessed and he has become great all over the world.

"My doors are always widely open for advice, construstive criticism, prayers since the Bible says that we should pray without ceasing and it is prayers that moves mountains." - Prophet Adonteng

"I am urging you all to have hope, faith, honesty, God Fearing in all your endevours and surely the Almighty God will give you all of your heart desires." - The Man of God noted. Worshippers call in from all over the world after they hear testimonies about how people receive spiritual break-through just by joining the Prophet on the prayer line.

People pray round the clock on the prayer line.

In August of 2010, he held the first convention dubbed the "Miracle Convention" in Hartfort, Connecticut with about 5,000 people in attendance.

Those who attended the conference testified to friends which eventually culminated to about 8,000 people at a follow up conference in Virginia in September 2010.

People testified that their lives and destinies changed for the better after he pronounced prophecies on people's lives.

In November, 2010 the city of Cincinnati, Ohio was the venue of the biggest gathering of Ghanaian Christians in the history of the United States.

The " nyame beye wo kese" convention was not just about numbers but spiritual break-through were unheard of.

It is ample testimony that people are craving for the presence of God more than ever.

It is amazing to note that he has gathered a following from various denominations and faith.

At the last conference in New York a muslim renounced his faith and opted to be a Christian.

The city of Westchestor, New York in December 2010 broke the Cincinnati record.

This revival has come to be a life changing experience for many in the cities the Prophet has visited.

Some claim their souls have been fed with a renewed anointing.

In Virginia he led the gathering to make personal covenants with God to grant them the desires of their heart.

Prophet Kofi Adonteng Boateng's slogan "Amenooo" has come to be a popular greeting slogan when people meet or speak on the phone.

The man of God has been featured on many radio stations with live interviews on Adom and peace fm stations in Ghana.

He has also been featured in the widely read Afrikan post newspaper in the United States many times.

Revival is hitting America, don't be left out, join the band wagon and receive your portion of the anointing.
