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Ghana Book Shop

The Ghana bookshop promotes the literary works of Ghanaian authors. You can choose from 1072 literary books as well as non-fiction books related to Ghana. Recently added is the section for books for children.

Fix Up (Modern Plays) (Kwame Kwei-Armah)
Crown of Glory: The Biography of Mrs. Mary Dorothy Adams (1902-2004) (
Voices from Words (Kofi Gyang)
Teach Us to Pray (Daniel Yeboah)
African Love Stories: An Anthology (Ama Ata Aidoo)
Nkrumah: Webster's Timeline History, 1909 - 2007 (Philip M. Parker)
Traces of a Life: A Collection of Elegies and Praise Poems (Abena P. A
Let's Learn Twi: Ma Yensua Twi (Paul A. Kotey)
Gold of the Akan from the Glassell Collection (International Design Li
Dorkordicky Ponkorhythms: Wheel of Fortune (Kwame Okoampa-Ahoofe Jr.)
Ghana in Pictures (Visual Geography. Second Series) (Yvette Lapierre)
The Two Hearts of Kwasi Boachi (Arthur Japin)
Confessions of a Neglected African Daughter (Kwasi Bosompem)
Nkrumah & Chiefs: Politics Of Chieftaincy In Ghana 1951-1960 (Western