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Rumor Mill of Monday, 22 August 2005

Source: NzK@SIL

Ghana in Serious Trouble

Consumers in Ghana are alarmed of the presence in the open market, large quantities of Used bamboo Tooth pick believed to have been imported from Korea and the far East.

Trade agencies have information to the effect that some exporters in Korea and the far east are now shipping USED tooth pick to west Africa and especially Ghana where the commodity is in high demand at restaurants and "Road -Side" chop bars.

Children in these eastern countries now collect used took picks wash and sell them to exporters for repackaging and shipped to Afica. Already there are tens of tons of used tooth pick in the open market which the standard board and its agencies will find it difficult to identify and destroy.

The Korea - Ghana tooth pick trade which has been going on for close to 3yrs now is believed to be the cause of the sharp increase in dental and some strange mouth diseases especially among city dwellers.