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Rumor Mill of Tuesday, 6 November 2007

Source: John Doe Dennis(Dallas, Texas; USA)

Church of Pentecost-USA under fire

The fire burning at the Dallas, Texas (USA) branch of the Ghana Church of Pentecost has nothing to do with the Pentecostal Fire that reputedly consumes all that come before it. Though members of the Dallas branch of the Church of Pentecost hope and pray that such fire will consume their local pastor Baidoo and consign his ashes to eternal HELL.

The Church of Pentecost is of course the largest Pentecostal Ghanaian (and African) Church in the world, with branches all over the world catering to the spiritual needs of mostly Ghanaians and other Africans.

In the United States of America, the Church of Pentecost (COP) has branches in nearly all the fifty states of the USA. One only hopes that COP will act as a true cop to police its pastors; elders; and deacons, as well as other officials of the church, who have turned the COP into a harem and sexual prostitution enterprise whereby the married women of the COP have become victims to the prying eyes and sexual greed of their pastors.

The latest sexual episode involving a pastor of the (COP), is that of Reverend Baidoo who until recently was the pastor of the Dallas, Texas, branch of the COP. He had previously held similar position in Chicago, Illinois; and Minneapolis, Minnesota.

According to credible reports making the rounds in COP circles, and subsequent COP church service announcements made throughout the USA; at the recent COP’s 2007 Summer Convention held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, reverend Baidoo forcibly RAPED a married woman who is a member of the Church at his hotel room at the convention site in Philadelphia. The City of Brotherly Love as Philadelphians call their city, has left a sour taste in the lady’s mouth (oops!), and resulted in a broken family and disparaged church members.

It is the practice of COP pastors to be served by women-in-waiting at COP events in their private rooms at hotels hosting COP conventions. In this particular instance, Baidoo was served by a married woman of the Dallas COP. When the woman entered the hotel room to serve Baidoo his lunch, a male member was already in the hotel room. But filled with his nefarious plan, Baidoo asked the man to go into town to buy an item for him; he further asked the man not to bring the item to the hotel room but to take it to the Convention Hall in the same hotel where he Baidoo would be waiting!

Once the man left, Baidoo who is a heavy-set guy pounced on the poor woman and RAPED her. The woman reported this CRIMINAL conduct to an elder of the church immediately, but the elder cautioned the woman not to tell anyone! In typical COP practice the matter would be swept under the rug. But the woman told her husband and all hell broke loose.

Baidoo’s conduct is not only UNGODLY; UNCHRISTIAN; IMMORAL; but also CRIMINAL. It is a FIRST DEGREE CRIMINAL felony in the laws of the United States. This man must be reported to the police and arrested.

Further investigations by COP has revealed that Baidoo has left a trail of RAPES and other forced sexual criminal acts from New York; Minneapolis; Chicago; Dallas. To date additional FIVE WOMEN have come out to confess that the sexual predator Baidoo has raped them at various locations during COP conventions!!

Now, Jesus preached that if one finger causes you harm, that finger must be ‘cut’ off to prevent the other four from being infected and afflicted by the sins of one. The right thing to do, the Christian thing to do, therefore, would be total defrocking of Baidoo. This man ought never to mount a pulpit to preach, let alone conduct a wedding ceremony and pronounce ‘what God has put together let no man tear asunder’! Baidoo is a RAPIST and a CRIMINAL who is not fit to ever be called a pastor.

In making the announcement at recent church services, local pastors claimed Baidoo has been demoted one step to OVERSEER; for having immoral ‘conversations’ with various women. The CRIMINAL has been sent to a COP funded retreat in a cozy environment owned by COP in Boston for ‘refresher’ training.

In the United States, there is no statute of limitations on rapes. Outraged members of COP especially in Dallas are urging the husband and wife to report the matter to the police for the CRIMINAL Baidoo to be arrested; tried; and imprisoned. The victim can also file civil sexual harassment case against COP to seek financial damages.

The poor woman has become a victim of indoctrination by the pastors and leaders of the COP who use false theology to pry their criminal enterprise. These cases have happened to much; too often; too numerous; in many places wherever COP located to be now swept under the rug.

It is not the presumed Hell that COP members must be afraid of. Rather it is their Pastors and elders who mis-use their positions to abuse unsuspecting women. Until the COP rid these con-men from their midst, the Church of Pentecost will continue to hold on to the reputation that married women who attend COP risk become victims of the sexual predators know as Church of Pentecost pastors and other church officials.

Perhaps a requirement that all COP pastors and elders must be neutered before assuming their positions is not off the mark.