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Religion of Tuesday, 12 July 2016


How can Jesus play for Blackstars? - Pastor Baning

As a bible researcher, Founder and Leader of the Living Testimonies for Jesus Bible Ministry, Pastor & Evangelist Sampson Joe Baning has warned Ghanaians to be weary of the threat end time false prophets could lead them into.

In an interview with Kwame Nkrumah Tikese on Okay FM, Evangelist Sampson Joe Baning stated that some self acclaimed men of God were trying to act like they have been sent by God but are “Pharisees”.

He explained that such false prophets were using wisdom they have acquired in the world to deceive many Ghanaians. He added that such evil men had strategically positioned themselves and were always quick to comment on trending topics for the limelight.

When it comes to sports, Pastor & Evangelist Sampson Joe Baning stated that such false prophets would pass comments as if they have revealed vision from God to say.

“When the senior national team for Ghana is going to play football, they would tell you the Holy Spirit would play as our number 10 and Jesus would take over the role of a midfielder whilst the father, would act as a striker. But we know God doesn’t play football”, he said.

And when matters of politics and elections pop up, the Founder and Leader of the Living Testimonies for Jesus Bible Ministry added that such evil men would make predictions that God has never told them.

If such false prophets sense any form of danger surrounding their political predictions, they would be quick to make u-turns which always expose them.

He reiterated that it is the true Christians who should pray to God because it is not the prayers of the clergy but the prayers of the righteous Christians that God will listen to.

Giving a discourse on the divine position of Ghana in the scheme of things of God amidst deafening cheers, he related this to his biblical research findings, which will soon be released in Ghana and the whole world.

He talked about how this revelation will link biblical factors from Eden to Babel in Shinar to the lost continent of Atlantis, the divine and physical centre of the Earth to Ancient Egypt, ancient Ghana and finally to Bono Manso in Modern Ghana.

Pastor Baning warned that the clergy should stop boosting their own image through concealed populist tactics in Ghana’s charged political platform hiding behind so-called peace, which they have no power to give.

He said, nowhere in the Bible has God stated that prayers of institutionalized self-appointed ecclesiastical leadership merely claiming to be custodians of Christian doctrine can get God to do something on their behalf.

“God will never countenance any destruction for Ghana for it is a spiritual centre in the biblical perspective and the clergy must not usurp the glory of God to deceive people.

Knowing this, Satan is using the clergy to push their empty baskets and cash in on which government comes to power, by claiming that they have prayed for the nation.

They should stop creating panic and confusion to exploit because besides God’s own prophetic plan for Ghana true Christians are praying for Ghana and God listens to them. God’s Spirit will surely help us to put things in their right perspective. The clergy cannot use this election as their cocoa season” he said.